Cidp & diabetes & pirates

CrazyRetiredNurse said:

Norbert N Steiner said:

I had a slightly different story but ... What's the use to even talk about it

Norbert.. All of our stories are different, some worse then others. sometimes it just helps knowing someone is listening if even on here, cause no one understands us better then us. We are a family of our own.. I always said, ALL my docs, all 5 of them have "not normal" about me in there files, one however stated "you are unique.. soooo.. there ya go. we are unique.

hi my name is Brian I just found out i had type 2 diabetes and chartut? maries tooth on top of that i am told i have cidp disease. wow this month sucked my body failing i got the diabetes controlled just the other scaring me.

Hi Brian,
It is called Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease and is an inherited disease where the lower part of the leg wastes away. This seems to be two diseases at once for you. I cannot say “feel better”, but hope that you have only mild symptoms.