Great advice. Measure progress one month at a time, not day-to-day. The doctors did their bit. It's up to us to work hard every day to strengthen muscles, balance, etc. It's frustrating and we all have bad days but focus on the future, don't dwell on the past.
Scared2Death said:
It would be wonderful if one could tell you exactly how long this will last. Unfortunately, NONE of us with GBS has an exact time as to how long we will need to deal with it. All you can do is take it a day at a time, push yourself to get better, walk, do things that are hard for you and keep pushing. Things WILL get easier, although you might not think so right now. It certainly is a very hard journey, not for the faint or weak. I've been told that the reason it struck me, when I ask "why me?", is that I could handle it where someone else could not have. Count the blessings you have, seek whatever treatment you can, keep pushing and never, ever give up. Don't let GBS win.