I am looking for a good Neurologist in NC familiar with GBS to help me better manage reflares during my recovery. The Neurologists in my area have not much experience with GBS. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Tarhealing, if you go to our MEMBERS section, you can do a search for other members in your state. By reading their profiles, you may be able to identify people who you might consider contacting by private message. You never know what you may find out!
Great advice! Thanks!!
I can recommend a neurologist and neuromuscular in Raleigh area, that is if they are still working in the area. Give me a day or two to look for their information, it’s been 12yrs since I saw them but they both were the type that didn’t stop looking for a dx until they had it right. I have a ct scan, a nerve conduction test emg and a dr appt tomorrow 3 hour round trip so it won’t be till evening or the next day depending on how wiped out I am. But I will try as soon as I can. ')
Thanks, jmr! I would appreciate that. I’m only about 3 hours away from Raleigh so that would be great. Just let me know. Hope everything goes well for you at your appointment.
Ok, here is the Neurologist and Neuromuscular doctors in Raleigh area.
Laura K. Jozewicz, M.D., P.A. (Neurologist)
Diplomat, America Board of Psychiatry and Neurology
3404 Wake Forest Rd Suite 101
Raleigh, NC 27609 919.874.9560/fax 919.874.9561
Caroline M. Klein (Neuromuscular)
University of NC Hospitals
3114 Bioinfamtics Bldg
Chapel Hill, NC 27599 919.966.4401/fax 919.960.2922
Hopefully they are still practicing at these locations. I know the Neurologist was starting to have some of her own neurological symptoms at that time. Anyway, atleast it’s a starting place in that area. Best of luck to you.