Cellcept side effect?

Started initially on 1000mg of cellcept (divided dose 500 am & 500 pm) while still taking 30mg prednisone, I had minimal side effects from the cellcept, A little nausea and some diarrhea with bouts of not feeling hungry at all. Fortunately all of that subsided by about the 3rd week or so. Now this past Sunday I had to adjust the dosage I went to 2000mg of cellcept and started to step down the steroids… Finally :slight_smile: I am on 25mg of those boogers. Any who the nausea & diarrhea are back with a vengeance, and this time have actually vomited, I have awful headaches and no appetite what so ever. Theses symptoms did not start aside from the headache until 2days ago. Oh and I woke up this morning with my hands looking like the state puff marshmallow man, they were very swollen. The swelling has gone down some but not completely. So after my long drawn out story my question for any of you is when you increased your dosage on cellcept did you get more intense and or different side effects than you did when you initially started? If so did your Dr stay the course or did they stop the medication. I so desperately want to come off these steroids & ivig is not an option for me at this point.

Sorry you're having so much trouble. I started Cellcept last Aug. after immuran did not work and I had a bad flair up. I started with 1000 mg, 500 twice a day. I was also taking 40mg of prednisone. Had mild headaches and diarrhea for about a week. Moved up to 2000mg, 1000 twice daily still on the 40 mg of prednisone. For me the diarrhea and headaches became less frequent. I'm now down to 10mg of prednisone with the 2000mg of cellcept daily, headaches are still around but very managble and the diarrhea is about every three days. I do remember some nausea in the beginning but not severe. I also do IVIG every six weeks. You're reaction is a lot more severe than mine has been. As we have all come to find out some of these medicines seem as debilitating as the CIDP. If it was me I would be check with my Doc. just to be sure all is ok with the meds. Good Luck

Thanks Jack, I have a call into my neuro. I am new to this diagnosis and all the hoopla that comes with it but unfortunately not the symptoms, these have been going on for quite some time now. You stated you have been on cellcept since last August, how long did it take before you started to see any positive effects from it?

I also do IVIG so my results are probably differant but I would say 3 to 4 months.

LiveLaughLove said:

Thanks Jack, I have a call into my neuro. I am new to this diagnosis and all the hoopla that comes with it but unfortunately not the symptoms, these have been going on for quite some time now. You stated you have been on cellcept since last August, how long did it take before you started to see any positive effects from it?