Hello i hope its ok for me to be here as i do not yet have a diagnoses of cipd, but think i may have it.
I am a 60 year old male, and former Reg Nurse for 36 years........
The Doctors i have seen have no idea ....... initially i thought I ,may have sjorgrens but am now thinking perhaps cipd.
To complicate my symptoms i collapsed at the beginning of the year and spent five days in Hospital and was diagnosed with Bppv..............Whilst an inpatient i had brain ct scans and brain mris...........all normal
The rheumatologist I saw after two consultations said go home and exercise.!!! as though my five months of hell were all in my imagination.
Said my spinal mri was good and no ms,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and i need to forget it, what a joke..............
I am doing things all the time on my property and its the fatigue and symptoms which cause me to stop.
Initially, in April, I developed ascending numbness and shakiness symmetrically from my toes ,first right foot then left, which slowly spread upwards. Eventually reaching my shoulders. My hands felt weak and legs rubbery.
When i tried to run i felt i looked like a spastic as it seemed my legs were all over the place, although in reality they werent.
I had some peripheral neuropathy?Raynaulds with freezing feet and hands and sometimes burning. I seemed to trip on uneven ground.
All my mri cat scans and bloods are normal. Emg came back normal though he only did my good leg.Thats another story!!
Left leg at times feels like I have a heavy boot on it , sometimes full of water. I am not depressed anxious or a hypochondriac. However ascending weak shakey feeling seems to have lessened and replaced with dull aching...................and general feeling of being unwell, lots aches and pains ............
I am now looking for a good neurologist in Perth West Australia where i live. Incidentally i was a fit 60 year old, doing lots exercise, eating a good diet, not smoking or drinking with a bmi of 21..................