CMT Awareness


I am a 3rd year podiatry student in Ireland and as part of my studies I have to present a poster on a condition we have come across in clinic. I have decided to do CMT as I came across a teenager with suspect CMT that we referred on. I was surprised as to how little was known about CMT especially among health professionals.

The poster I am doing is basic enough with straightforward information on CMT, diagnoses and what helps people living with CMT. What I want to get across is early signs of CMT and raise awareness, and that patients are referred correctly as soon as possible.

The poster will be presented to a consultant and to my classmates at the end of January and possibly at conferences (if it is good enough).

I welcome any input on this in particular early and accurate diagnoses and the importance of this.

Many thanks for your time and I and very pleased to of found this website.

Best wishes,


One thing l have read about is the flattening of feet as a precursor to the high arches. My daughter is developing this and having severe foot pain. We do not know if she has it or not. Would be curious to see how much this plays into an early diagnosis.


I had extremely high arches in young years and walked on my toes 99% of the time. Flat shoes (ballerina style popular in the 70's) caused lots of pain. I had to wear high heels, but then ankles began to get weaker. As progression continued my feet have shifted to very little muscle or padding so the bones have shifted and grate on each other causing sever pain; I used inserts molded and made for my feet by a Podiatrist, as well as AFO's to keep a bit of arch support and that did eliminate some of the pain most of the time. If I allow myself to change shoes or adjust anything I have to gently get used to changes or I have the terrible pain (like someone beat my feet with a ballpeen hammer) again. Hands and Feet are usually first symptoms and warning. Usually toes are all same length and look stubbed. My husband teased me before we knew, that I went around kicking parked cars and stunted my toes. LOL Also, my heels are very narrow but my toes across are wide. Hard to fit shoes and cannot keep shoes on my feet that don't cup my heels.


tga said:

One thing l have read about is the flattening of feet as a precursor to the high arches. My daughter is developing this and having severe foot pain. We do not know if she has it or not. Would be curious to see how much this plays into an early diagnosis.


I had never heard that about the flattening of the feet. That is definitely what is going on with me and I am in extreme pain. Can you send me some info on this ?

Much thanks, cmd