I just wanted to give a update on how I am doing so let’s do good news first
1 After I got over the 3 weeks of side effects from the IVIG I had what I call a normal week on week 4. For one great week I felt normal I even got the reflexes back in my legs.
2 I got my appointment with UT but it’s in August that would have been a big problem but I found a really good Nuero and he is treating me. He redid all the test and did a LP my protein count was 65 he told me it should have been in the 20 for someone my age. After all the test he is sure it’s CIDP and has started treating me.
Now the bad new
1 The new doctor did not want to do IVIG again since one I had such a bad reaction to it and 2nd it cost so much. I am on Prednisone again 40 mg and some other drug can’t remember the name but they give it to people that get organ transplants. So far it has not made me better I am get worse but its slow and this time around it seems to be more sensory than motor nerves. I start the full does this week so maybe it will kick in soon.
2 I have gained so much weight sine they put me on prednisone. I was all ready over weight and prednisone does not help. Is anyone here taking some other oral drugs beside prednisone?
I feel better know IVIG helps so far its the only thing that has been able to stop this. ANy way just wanted to give a update and see if any one can help me out on the drug front.