Hi everyone, I was talking to my daughter in Colorado today and just balling, because I miss her and my three grandsons and I would give anything to go home but I cant . in my email this morning I got a friend request. the timing could not have been better. I am going on methadone for pain tomorrow and going off morphine. both docs said it will bind with my body better. I am just in more pain now, from fusions, and my body breaking down. I am getting another opinion because docs are human. I learned that the hard way with my son having 33 surgeries thru his life, let alone being hospitalized for so many infections. anyway, I had a failed fusion last year and can only walk up straight with my brace on. I was even more mad when I got my GBS international newsletter and saw Dr. Parry talking about pain and GBS. I moved with my kids to MN from Colorado in the middle of the night one night. (long story). lol Anyway, I saw him and as I said before he never touched me, spent 6-7 min with me and I told him I was in pain. he told me I didn't have GBS then, because it doesn't cause pain . I said are you kidding me. I went home and cried for days. I still have no neuro. and the doctors here are the worst ive ever seen. I also worked in a hosp. for 5 yrs. so ive been around docs. from the time my son was 4 months. my daughter had cysts in her head and had 2 surgeries to get them when she was 15. then I got the miller-fisher variant of GBS in March before my 40th. b-day. its been over 10 yrs now. I just want to go home, and I don't how to get there. I make under 500 a month in ssd. and 2.64$ in SSI. I have no idea why they even send me the check, what a waste of a tree. I just wanted to thank the person that requested me as a friend. I have none here. no car to get out and meet people. So to that person , I thank you. with all of my heart. i need friends so badly and i needed it so desperately bad today. thank you. stay well everyone. and if anyone needs someone to talk to, i am here. and im a great friend. Back to making jewelry today.
36-photo_201411620.jpg (30.4 KB)Mallory, I am sorry I did not read this earlier; I have been away for a couple of days. I have sent you a friend request, too. I am sorry you are struggling.
How are you, Mallory?