Hi everyone, thank you for giving me some more insight. I had my MRI (without contrast) of the brain. They said it was normal. I still have to wait almost two weeks to get to the neuro. I hear some people say they were diagnosed quick and others took a long time. It seems like there are not enough neurologists out there to accommodate getting in to them without a long wait.
My weakness seems to vary in intensity. So do my other symptoms. This all started after i had two vaccines hep b and tetinus.
I noticed this recently. If I stand up and put my arms straight down to my sides. Then I put my left hand on my neck between my and right shoulder. Then I raise my right arm to head level straight out to my side . Then I lower my arm back down to my side of my hip. On the way up my movement is very smooth. On the way down its jerky. Quick little jerks all the way down. It’s the shakeyness that I have been feeling when I do things. I felt like I had a shakeynesss inside of me and it was coming from my arm movements. this is true of both of my arms.
I also have episodes mostly every night where I feel like my tounge is numb and swollen a little. It’s scary. I don’t know if it’s in my head or not it almost always happens when in trying to sleep at night. In the beginning my arms and shoulders and neck were very achy every day. On and off the felt incredibly heavy. The numbness and tingling was never very strong, just annoying and intermittent. My first day of my legs have in any numbness came a week and a half ago. It was from my feet to my knees and they were stiff.
I have also found tender spots on my skin that feel like a bruise but nothing is there. Most are not in the places that are considered for fibromyalgia. Does anyone here have the tender spots?
Strange thing is I didn’t feel so great yesterday and the by evening. I was feeling pretty normal except for the weekness. I have had this happen periodically.
This whole thing is so strange and terrifying. I keep thinking and searching the net trying to figure what it could be.
So far I’ve come up with everything! Lyme, west niles, CIDP, MS, ALS, Mono and a bunch I can’t recall now.
Oh yeh, my reflexes are brisk + 3. That part makes me rhink its not CIDP. At least they were 4 weeks ago. I also have Hoffmans reflex. Which I’ve read is not a reliable test. Until i read my doctors report and then check it on the web I thought those were normal things and all was good.
I have appointment with rumitist on tuesday. Don’t know what he can do for me. I got in to him while neuro was on vacation do he could run some other tests. He orders the MRI.
Have a nice weekend everyone! In hoping you all feel at your best and can overcome your illnesses.