I cannot understand what is happening to my foot, I have had no feeling in either foot for about 4 years.
Now the pain of the fractures is certainly letting itself be known.. Has anyone else had this happen to them? I still got the odd pain in my feet but mainly I only knew they were there because if they were not I would fall over. I have, over the years broken toes, pulled off toe nails and generally picked up the odd cut and bruise and never felt a thing.
So sorry that happened. A fracture hurts, even with loss of feeling in your feet. Somehow the nerves show up when you don't want them to! :-) I've broken my left foot/ankle 3 times and it's tough to take. With everything else, you need to deal with casts, more immobility, etc. Try to remember it's temporary and make plans to protect yourself so it doesn't happen again. I'm apparently a slow learner!! Now I'm much more careful...
My husband has just recovered from a spiral fracture to his tibia and he blew apart his ankle joint. He walked on it for 3 weeks insisting he was just twisted it. He felt pain and I knew he probably broke it since he usually cannot feel a thing in his feet. He had to have it all screwed back together and it has been a long recovery (16 weeks). He has also broken all of his toes multiple times on his left foot and suffers from a pressure ulcer which recurrently gets infected. He has already lost part of the bone of his big toe to infection. It is an ongoing issue and we must be very dilegent about caring for his feet.
The doctors have explained that the nerves are an important part of the structure in the feet and when they break down; the feet break down. The nerve damage in my husband's feet have caused the muscles and tendons to fail which in turn cause the bones to collapse. His left foot is most affected. His arch has collapsed and his ankle rolls inward (this was even before his break). We see a Podiatrist at least once a month to keep a constant check of his pressure ulcer.
I am sorry to hear you are going through this, but know that you are not alone. It is frustrating to be off of your feet while recovering, but you can find some interesting and helpful advice on this site.
Three months ago I dropped a bottle of shower gel on my foot and felt nothing. Three months later I have a routine podiatry apt. When she sees my foot she sends me straight to x-ray, after which I find out I have been walking around for 2 months with 3 fractu7red foot bones which have calcified over in a haphazard manner. It is only recently I have felt pain in it.
I have injured myself several times and the pain does not come until later. The only way I can describe the feeling I have to others is imagine you have woken up after sleeping on your hand.
I just read this after replying to another entry. I can't believe what you have described about your husbands feet! I have had hypermobility in my feet since I was young, so I thought my arch collapsing and my ankles rolling in was because of that. I now wear orthotics. Have you spoken to any other people who have had these feet problems?
Lisa H said:
My husband has just recovered from a spiral fracture to his tibia and he blew apart his ankle joint. He walked on it for 3 weeks insisting he was just twisted it. He felt pain and I knew he probably broke it since he usually cannot feel a thing in his feet. He had to have it all screwed back together and it has been a long recovery (16 weeks). He has also broken all of his toes multiple times on his left foot and suffers from a pressure ulcer which recurrently gets infected. He has already lost part of the bone of his big toe to infection. It is an ongoing issue and we must be very dilegent about caring for his feet.
The doctors have explained that the nerves are an important part of the structure in the feet and when they break down; the feet break down. The nerve damage in my husband's feet have caused the muscles and tendons to fail which in turn cause the bones to collapse. His left foot is most affected. His arch has collapsed and his ankle rolls inward (this was even before his break). We see a Podiatrist at least once a month to keep a constant check of his pressure ulcer.
I am sorry to hear you are going through this, but know that you are not alone. It is frustrating to be off of your feet while recovering, but you can find some interesting and helpful advice on this site.
Hi, I was just diagnosed with severe tendonitis and progressive flat foot deformity, similar to what your husband has been diagnosed with. I needed to make up orthodics to hold up the arch that collapsed. There's very little else that can be done.
Best wishes,
Amy Walden said:
I'm so sorry to hear this. You will be in my prayers
I do not hsv s lot of feeling in my feet or legs and fortunately I hsve not broke anything yet I am up to 15 falls for the year and had to have staples in shin I gashed it wide open and did not feel it , then when the doc stuck me with needle to numb I never felt the needle. I did feel the cold liquid moving under the skin.Different
r sets of nerves will open up new set of sensations we did not know were there
Hi, I was just diagnosed with severe tendonitis and progressive flat foot deformity, similar to what your husband has been diagnosed with. I needed to make up orthodics to hold up the arch that collapsed. There's very little else that can be done.
Best wishes,
Amy Walden said:
I'm so sorry to hear this. You will be in my prayers
Sorry to hear this news mate, I hope you recover well and speedily. I can just imagine how difficult it would be with the loss of sensory nerves and coping with this deficit in everyday life. While that particular loss has not affected me, I do suffer from distal motor nerve damage affecting the arms and legs. The weakness is always exacerbated after a bout of flu, which sends the immune system haywire. Anyway, I wish you all the best Scott. Regards, Bruce.
I fell last week myself on the 21st, the day after my fourth great grandchild was born. Both my legs and arms felt like spagetti and when I got out of bed I went down like a rock. scraping my knee and buckling both my hands, and leaving massive bruises on both. Luckily I didn’t break anything.
I have been very fortunate with all the falls I've had this year (15) in that I have no more than bruise and a rehabbed shoulder. My legs just give out and down I go, some times while walking and others I am just standing. I occasionally will have problems with using my hands. I have dropped and broken several mugs and glasses and Corel is breakable.
Do you know how hard it is to find plastic coffee mugs.
I've had CIDP for about 14 years now, I am now 25. I've had my share of falls (too many to count) especially going through my years of school and crowded areas. People will accidently trip me and wearing leg braces, my balance is not the greatest so instead of recovering I fall like a sack of potatoes. Although the embarrassment of falling in a public area greatly overpowers any pain or breaks I've just received, once it wears off I will feel it and they hurt. Funny story, I was actually at a party about 3 years ago and I was drinking, having a good time, I don't remember ever falling, got home, went to sleep and woke up with a broken ankle!?!?!? How the heck did I break my ankle in a leg/foot brace?!?!? It was discouraging having more immobility put on me but it was just another thing I had to battle through. Through your years you start to be more vigilant where your path ahead is and your surroundings.
I dropped a bottle of shampoo on my foot in the shower, thought nothing of it as I didn't feel anything.
Nearly 3 months later, attending a podiatry appointment, she takes one look and sends me straight to X-ray...
Yes, I'd been walking around for 2 months with a broken foot. The worst thing is, when I did it my foot swelled up, went to doctor who just prescribed me anti-inflammatories, no talk of X-ray!
It's amazing how much we have to push to find answers and do research ourselves. Always question everything!!!!