Here's hoping someone can shed a little light on my continuing journey dealing with
CIDP or Not? Having just returned from walking to my mailbox (approximately 100ft.)
my legs and hips feel as though they had walked for miles without a break. As I sit here
my chest feels as though I am being hugged / spasm which goes up my neck to my
head. For 4 years my neurologist said I had CIDP and then as many of you might be
aware, I was re-diagnosed this past Spring by Associate Professor of Neurology at
UofF Shands that I did NOT have CIDP but "Length-dependent axonal polyneuropathy.
Just recently (the past month) have I started having this feeling as though someone is
bear-hugging me. This feeling is accompanied by what I can only describe as a spasm
that radiates up my neck. Needless to say when this occurs it definitely gets my
attention. I also constantly feel warm and I seem to sweat a lot but my temp. is always
low...97.4 - 98.0. My energy level seems to be low to say the least. At night time if I
lift my legs, I will suddenly get a spasm in the back of my thighs. I often wonder if
given the fact that I had a bad case of Epstein-barr virus back in 1995, if this in some
way has something to do with my present conditon. I would greatly appreciate your
advice. I am totally at a loss as to what to do. Thank-You.