Life After A Miracle by Barbra Sonnen Hernandez

Having been in movie production business less than 6 months, Barbra aka BabsMiracle became ill with Guillain-Barre Syndrome in 2008. Surviving near death and hospitalized nearly a year with this disease, she has been healed by the grace of God to share her spiritual experiences that brought her to where she is today. She makes several public appearances speaking about her journey with this illness and the spiritual life. Barbra is an advocate for GBS patients and Ambassador for the National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD) for the Central Texas Region. She continues to be involved in the fight for research and treatments for GBS. Today, Barbra is an Author writing inspirational books and living life to the fullest!

Here's an inspiring message from Barbra:

"Each one of us has experienced one miracle in our lifetime. Whether it was small or big, God touched you leaving His love and strength in you. This book will encourage you to live a new life from the healing touch of God. You will understand your new calling as you read about people's historic and everyday miracles, how it affected and changed their lives forever. Miracles are a gift from God showing his love
in all of us forever."

Find Barbra's new book release "Life After A Miracle" on this link.