It is February 4, 2014 & I am in Chicago. I am here to do some testing & meet with Dr Allen (Nero) & Dr Burt to see if I am a candidate for a Hematopoetic Stem Cell Transplant. The tests u have done are a lumbar puncture, Nerve Conduction Study, muscle Conduction study, blood work, & MRI of my spine. Tomorrow I find out if I am accepted to the clinical study
Good luck! We’re rooting for you!
Wow! Sounds very interesting! Please keep us all posted! Good luck!
Good luck, and please keep us posted!
YES! Please keep us posted. There's not very much information available on this therapy, so an "insider's view" would be very welcome and appreciated!
I wish you all the best. I hope you are accepted and on your way to be beating this disease.
All the best of luck! I see you are right in the middle of a huge snow in Chicago! Stay warm and know that we are all pulling for you and will be so interested in hearing how things are going. I have everything crossed for you!
I wish you all the best in the world. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Please keep us posted throughout the study.
I wish you the best of luck........I have done ones in Scotland [Glasgow[1985, and ones in Athens [Greece] 1988.
Let us know please!
Wishing you the best today. Please keep us informed as the journey continues. Oh yeh, welcome to the Midwest where it's a little colder than Florida!
Awesome! My prayers are with you.
I was accepted to the clinical trial today!!! Now I am waiting on my insurance to approve it Dr Burt said that my insurance, Awtna has not turned anyone down yet! I am sooooo excited. I will keep everyone posted in how the process goes.
Great news! Definitely keep us posted. It's great to hear that other treatments are being studied. Best of luck to you!
Congratulations! Tell us everything!
Great news! Please keep us updated, we are all cheering for you!
Praying for you!
Great news Heather! I'm liking this website more and more.
Good luck, I hope your tests all turn out so that you are accepted. :)
Good luck and hope and pray you get good results from this!! Please keep us posted on your treatment!!
To keep everyone updated… I just got a call from my Aetna case manager & the have approved my pre transplant evaluation!!! Dr Burt’s office is coordinating my final tests for the evaluation & so far all looks good