
Hi all. I have been diagnosed with demylenating polyneurapathy, although my Dr. Left off the CI part. I have been medicated with 2500mg of gabapentin, 250mg of tramadol and Percocet on top of that. I fell asleep at work and was suspended last year, came back, and was suspended for falling asleep again! But this wasn’t dozing off, it was like someone turned off a switch. I went for a sleep study and what do you know? I have narcolepsy too! Looking into it, both are caused by autoimmune disorders. Does anyone else out there have this combination?

gabapentin can make you very drowsy … it is a known side effect

That seems like a lot of Gabapentin. Talk w your Doc and see if you can slowly cut back on the dosage. I was once at 1800/ day and now am @ 400/day. I have some borderline (very faint) tingling,

BUT... I feel much less tired and much more alert!!

I have cidp and am curently having sleep studies done as I had a month bout of a total inability to stay awake if I sat down I was asleep ,asleep in a store at counter whilst they went and checked price ,at dinner table a few times ,mid conversation once etc.Seems to be better currently and just always pretty tired but nothing like it was.

very interesting question Feet.

fyi we started a Narcolepsy community a few weeks ago:

I do the same all the time...I have CIDP. I fall asleep brushing my teeth...trying to wash dishes...talking to people...using the bathroom....alot! I've fallen off the toilet so manytimes! Once hit the baseboard between my eyes....praise God I didn't hit my temple....I don't know if there is a relation or not...can't blame on meds bc it happens before I take when is time to take them. Let me know what you find out...blessings!

I'm allergic to Gabepentin so i know its not that....

Tammey Pyle said:

I do the same all the time...I have CIDP. I fall asleep brushing my teeth...trying to wash dishes...talking to people...using the bathroom....alot! I've fallen off the toilet so manytimes! Once hit the baseboard between my eyes....praise God I didn't hit my temple....I don't know if there is a relation or not...can't blame on meds bc it happens before I take when is time to take them. Let me know what you find out...blessings!

Feetdontfailmenow and all with GBS CIDP

Thanks for bringing this subject up I have been struggling for the past year with the same problem, at first I thought it was the meds so I came off them all but it didnt make any difference whatsoever, even the accute pain I suffer does not keep me awake (which in some ways is a blessing). I have been trying to explain to my family, freinds, and doctors just how bad it is but no one really seems to get the difference between being tired and having no choice in staying awake.

With me its like someone has giving me an anesthetic and the need to sleep just suddenly overwhelms me, when I wake up I feel so dreadful its like coming out of an anesthetic and by the time I come around I have little time to do anything before the whole senario starts again. Occasionally I have the odd day when I have a burst of energy and I feel well?

My last blood test flagged up excess iron in my blood my doc said 40g was normal and mine was 630g, I was shocked but she said that this was nothing to worry about because only over a 1000g would be the time to get worried! Ive had a little look at this on the net (as you do) and the main symptom is "tiredness"</ div some< than off better lot a Im Grumble Musant anything. do to hard its tired just more your when is trouble>

Sorry that last bit has came out backwards for some reason??

Should read: Trouble is when your more than just tired its hard to do anything. Musant Grumble Im a lot better off than some.

Would just like to add my best wishes and hugs to everyone but especially to those reading who may not yet be able to post x

Tip.....If your in a wheelchair and learning to walk again use the wheelchair as a walking aid, (push it) its a lot easier than those frame things. You can walk as far as you can on your own at your own speed but have the chair as a fall back when your legs get tired have a seat and let the arms do the work.

I was looking through old conversations and couldn't believe this! I have the same! However, I'd only had Narcolepsy for two years before I began IVIG for the CIDP and since then, the Narcolepsy symptoms have subsided. My doctors said that might happen. Still, it's not a perfect solution. I definitely can't function like more people can on less sleep! I'm with you!