Good Morning
I had left foot drop x 6wk and then right foot weakness develops. Right foot progressed rapidly over 2 days and so they said I had to be hospitalized for GBS. No LP done. I did not have any identifiable precipitating infection.
I was treated with IVIGx5 days in hospital with improvement of leg muscle weakness on right and some improvement on left and improvement in reflexes as well.
I came home 10 days ago.
And 1 week post discharge from hospital [last week] I had and EMG/ NCV : per neurologist: “The EMG test did show some chronic nerve changes consistent with nerve issues in the toe extensors in both feet (the extensor toe muscles); did not see the definitive slowing on the nerve conduction test that we may see with GBS, but sometimes if the process is happening more proximally in the nerve,may not always see it”
I got gabapentin for pain, developed peeling skin on face and so I stopped it. A friend recommended Arnica [ homeopathic med for pain] and Hypericum [homeopathis med for nerve healing]. I am doing both. Pain is better.
I get tired easily. I have to rest after10 min of activity!!! I was fit before all this happened. I have not gone to HIIT in 2 months and no yoga either [not able to hold poses] at this point the fatigue will prob kill me.
It is hard to go from being the person who could do so many things: holding a full time job, raising an active 4 yo, hiking traveling, house work: cooking, cleaning, laundry to this 48yo person who has to rest more time than she spends moving around.
I feel sad. How do you reconcile the memory of the person i am to the person I am right now?
Everything I have read about GBS says that it is 2-4 wk to plateau so my symptoms do not fall into that time line and I was checked for everything: spine MRI with contrast, brain MRI and tons of blood tests, No abnormality except vit d def and iron def. I am told I have a variant of GBS.
Anything from the group here to help with
- Can I have GBS?
- How do you spend time at home resting when everyone has gone to work/ school?
- What to do about the sadness?
I have to say, I was not ventilated and I am able to get around with a walker [tiring and painful without a walker, did that for the last 1 wk after neuro said my strength was better and then crashed over the weekend so back to walker] . I try to focus on the positives but hard to do when no one is around all day.
The PT exercise are exhausting and all they are asking me to do is raise and lower my toes and knees and some core muscle stuff.
Thanks in advance for listening to me,