Potential New Therapies

The Neuropathy Association just posted this on Facebook. Some of the studies look encouraging, especially the one using the MS drug to treat CIDP.


What do you all think? I, for one, wish there was something sure to work discovered NOW!


Thanks for posting this l link! I am one who hasn't responded very well to IVIG and according to this article, it's probably because my treatment didn't start until a year and a half after my symptoms started. I hope they come up with something, too!

Cheryl, except for the steroid injections I had for my back, which also greatly improved my CIDP symptoms, I also didn’t get treatment for a year and a half. I didn’t get diagnosed until the end of July! My neuro started me with plasmapheresis, and I’m seeing results, but very slowly. He mentioned trying IVIG with it the next time. Trial and error to see what works! We definitely do need something now!
