I just received the news that I have had a relapse. I’m trying to find out if anyone else has and what it was like. Also I was just looking for friends who understood GBS to be friends with and be able to talk to. Feeling really tired right now so talk to you later.
are younot always tired I am but I keep going exersize 5-6 x a week sleep 10-12 hrs a night lets talk Skype or hangout Bob
Deborah, I am a new member. I just read your post on relapsing and would like to ask you how long was the time frame in between for you?
I just meet with a new neurologist yesterday to discuss my recent diagnosis of GBS. He made it sound as if it’s all over, now we just deal with the residual effects. As I read through the blogs here, I am getting nervous about recurrences.
I hope you are feeling stronger each day!