Is it normal for the numbness to get worse ?
the numbness and tingling in feet, hands, and face gets unbearable sometimes. if i stop what i am doing and get some rest it seem to help. hopfully this is helpful. take care.
Thanks Kel, I was so afraid the GSB returning
Now I can calm down and will do as you advised.
kel said:
the numbness and tingling in feet, hands, and face gets unbearable sometimes. if i stop what i am doing and get some rest it seem to help. hopfully this is helpful. take care.
I'm getting better but sometimes the numbness reappears for me too. I keep forgetting that I am doing more and I might feel the effects from that with tightness or numbness. For me I have noticed that the increased activity brings back some of these symptoms. I take a break when that happens and so far that has helped.
Thanks to all your answers. I’ve returned to hospital and am right now starting my second round of immune plasma treatment. After that I go directly to rehab which has been delayed by a couple of days because of this.
Good luck to you! Hope this helps with the numbness. Then you can work on your recovery!
For me anyway, the tingling/numbness can return following activity and exercise. Rest and stretching help. But it is less intense, especially in my hands, all the time. Best of luck to you!
sorry to here your back in hospital you take care and get better
This reply is from gammy. It was posted in another thread.
No,if you have GBS,it should be imporoving. If u have CIDP whic is chronic and get ivig on a regular basis for that. It improves the numbness but it will return. Also lyrica is good for numbness and pain.
i do not have cidp, and had gbs two years ago and still have numbness, burning and tingling still in hands feet and face sometime quite sever, it actually got better then in the last 4 months it has worsened
Apart from the numbness and tingling Kel can you use your hands for everyday things?>
kel said:
i do not have cidp, and had gbs two years ago and still have numbness, burning and tingling still in hands feet and face sometime quite sever, it actually got better then in the last 4 months it has worsened
yes walkingis like walking on bubble wrap but i am dealing with it
Just finished 8 bottles of immune plasma @ 200 ml per bottle. Now awaiting my transport to take me directly to rehab for 5 weeks
you get better soon