Legs felt slightly heavy in Jan 2012.
Saw a neurologist, had EMG and and was diagnosed with diabetic amyotropthy.
Started more physical therapy.
Have a new endocrinologist who diagnosed me as a type 1 diabetic after being type 2 for many years, also was diagnosed with celiac disease 12 years ago.
Started falling day after Labor Day 2012 and was in a wheelchair for 6 months, still never had any pain, just that sandy feeling in feet and then hands. Hands are fine now.
The new neurologist had me go to St Peter's Hospital. Was in for three days of extensive testing and then in a rehab hospital for 16 days. Still diagnosed with diabetic amyotropthy.
They thought I was making progress, but my upper body was still strong and I was using my upper body to walk using a walker.
Got home and had Visiting Nurse service for PT and OP, was still getting weaker.
Saw the neurologist and he saw that I was getting weaker.
Recommended I see a certain specialist.
Saw me on a Thursday(week before hurricain Sandy) and could not believe how weak I was.
Had to wait for the next Wed for him to do his EMG.
Came back on Wed and did EMG and saw some positive CIDP.
Started me the next day aggressively with IVIG and solumedrol and had it 2 times a week for 3 weeks, skipped a week and have once a once week with the solumedrol slowly being reduced from 1g every other week to 500 mg then 250 mg and now 80 mg with 40 mg in-between.
Results were slow and positive with real rapid progress after a few weeks, getting up from wheelchair felt easier and was soon able to open a bottle of water as my hands and arms had gotten weaker.
I guess I'm lucky, really no side affects except a little jittery after infusion, able to sleep.
Used a walker for about a week then a cane for a couple weeks then nothing.
Feeling stronger and now progress is slower as I get closer to 100%.
I'd say I'm about 90% now.
People who saw me just a few months ago say "it's a miracle"!
I'm going to be 69 in a couple of weeks, can now just about run up the stairs, not that a 69 year old should be running up stairs.