Am I losing my marbles?

Hello, yes I’ve felt this way when I was on gabapentin, tramadol, celebrex and xanax for severe pain. I can’t metabolize opoids, so they are not an option. My pain management doctor suggested that I try medical marijuana and the results are amazing. I started with a very low dose in June and am now off tramadol and Xanax. My pain has gone from 7-8 to a 4. I haven’t felt this good in 7 years! Best of all I can think again, I can do math, i can remember why I walked into the room and have stopped repeating myself to others. It’s incredible. My life has improved so much as has my depression. This is not for everyone. But with GBS, CIDP and small fiber neuropathy its been a blessing. I hope that you and your doctor are able to find out why you are having memory problems. Hang in there.