Anyone going to the GBS Symposium in Orlando?

Having had GBS 8 years ago I have always wanted to go to the annual conference but it was always in other parts of the country. This year it is in Orlando Oct 31-Nov2 so I'm heading up to Orlando to attend.

Anyone in this group going?

I really wish I could go but can't make it. Please let me know how it is. I would love to attend sometime!

Yes, John, if you can take notes on what you learn and share them with the group, that would be wonderful. I hope you meet a lot of survivors. Tell them about this group and our CIDP community, too. :)

How was the symposium, John?

I wish I could say. Unfortunatly my partner came down with TTP which is an imune disorder that attacks blood platelets. He has been in the hospital in very bad shape for 2 1/2 weeks now. I've prctically been living at the hospital. So I didn't get to Orlando.

He's been getting plasmapherisis (sounds familiar) but since TTP damages kindneys he has also been getting dialysis.

Our luck to both get wierd imune disorders.

Maybee next year for the symposium if Iget lucky.

Oh, I am so sorry to hear that, John. What a stressful time for you both. I hope his condition improves soon and that you can both return home soon as well. Keep us posted.