CIDP and Cancer

Has anyone been diagnosed with cancer after CIDP and if so, did you have any complications with the CIDP?

I just found out that I have breast cancer (second time) and will have to have a double mastectomy in two weeks. It is at the same time as my next IVIG treatment, so they plan to do both while I’m in the hospital.

Jan, I don't have an answer, but I did want to wish you the very best for your surgery and recovery. Keep us posted.

I've never heard of a correlation with CIDP and cancer.

My prayers are with you.

I had a rare stomach tumor (GIST) removed 15 months ago and just learned it has recurred. Following the extebsive surgery, ten days in the hospital and weeks recovering at home, my CIDP progressed abd remains worse that prior to the cancer diagnosis.

None of my docs think there is a connection.

I am sorry to hear that your cancer is back. I also have not heard of a correlation. I would join the facebook group for cidp and ask there. It seems like there are so many more people with cidp available there to talk to then on this forum. I am sure the doctors aren't sure if any one disease is related to cidp. I had stomach surgery (gastric sleeve) 3 months prior to starting symptoms to my cidp. I think they are related but the doctors will not say. I think this disease is so rare and everyone is different in how they get it so I think that they won't correlate it to anything. I wish you well with your surgery and recovery.


Dear Jan,

I had breast cancer and six surgeries with two near death experiences in 1997-2000. I've been down hill neurologically ever since that time. Since they don't want to acknowledge NDEs, I doubt the medical community would admit to any correlation to CIDP. I'm with Kim. Ask your question on the CIDP Facebook page. I have learned so much about my Lyme disease correlating with CIDP from that group.

God bless you. Have a speedy recovery!


Dear Jan, my sympathy and hope to you. I'm undergoing IVIG therapy, now for over 4 months, and my CIDP doesn't seem to respond. Have never heard of the possible cancer connection until now. I'll ask my doctor when I see her in a few weeks. Hoping and praying for your recovery! Linds

Hang in there with the IVIG. It took about 6 months before I saw any real results. After 2 years I’m finally stable and can walk again without assistance. I did have to quit work and rest constantly before I really saw the best results. I now have to have IVIG every 6 weeks to maintain. Praying that you will begin to see results.

lindylou said:

Dear Jan, my sympathy and hope to you. I’m undergoing IVIG therapy, now for over 4 months, and my CIDP doesn’t seem to respond. Have never heard of the possible cancer connection until now. I’ll ask my doctor when I see her in a few weeks. Hoping and praying for your recovery! Linds

Jan said:

Hang in there with the IVIG. It took about 6 months before I saw any real results. After 2 years I'm finally stable and can walk again without assistance. I did have to quit work and rest constantly before I really saw the best results. I now have to have IVIG every 6 weeks to maintain. Praying that you will begin to see results.

lindylou said:

Dear Jan, my sympathy and hope to you. I'm undergoing IVIG therapy, now for over 4 months, and my CIDP doesn't seem to respond. Have never heard of the possible cancer connection until now. I'll ask my doctor when I see her in a few weeks. Hoping and praying for your recovery! Linds

Thank you Jan, your reply is encouraging to me. I have felt ready to give up, it's so frustrating, as you no doubt know. I am almost 78 years old, have always had pretty good health, so this came as a terrible shock to me to be so disabled and having to depend on family..I'm scheduled for a treatment tomorrow (every 3 weeks), and I feel encouraged to continue. Thank you so much Jan, and I pray for your recovery. Sincerely, Linda

Dear Jan,

Did you feel any less pain along the way to your six month mark? I've had IVIg since September and feel nothing from the boosters every three weeks. The loading dose worked for three days, My neurologist said it was probably just a placebo effect:( But, I don't react to placebos. I wish I did.

Thank you.

Jan D

Jan said:

Hang in there with the IVIG. It took about 6 months before I saw any real results. After 2 years I'm finally stable and can walk again without assistance. I did have to quit work and rest constantly before I really saw the best results. I now have to have IVIG every 6 weeks to maintain. Praying that you will begin to see results.

lindylou said:

Dear Jan, my sympathy and hope to you. I'm undergoing IVIG therapy, now for over 4 months, and my CIDP doesn't seem to respond. Have never heard of the possible cancer connection until now. I'll ask my doctor when I see her in a few weeks. Hoping and praying for your recovery! Linds