Fatiguing Out

I'm back at work but struggling with fatigue by the end of the day. I'm doing PT twice a week to help me strengthen my core again and stretch out my back which is locking up as the day goes on. I seem to overdo it one day then have to recover for the next three days after that. They say I am weak in my back from all of this and my back tightens to support my body. The goal they say is to stretch my back out ahead of time on my days off so that it will not react by contracting when it gets tired until I can get stronger. They say I need to be more careful not to fatigue out. Just wondered if anyone else has had this problem.

Yes I have the very same issue. My new PT says my back pain is caused by my weak core as well, so I’m working on that too. You always want to push yourself to do more but not overdo it like you said. I’m down a few days after I overdo it as well. I now know my body and not get to the point if I can help it.

Absolutely, I have experienced this!
PT was poignant for me to strengthen my core, I had ignored this for years and it is crucial. The more you can think about tightening abdominals throughout the day ( or tucking your butt, or tightening your butt, whatever works for you) the stronger your back will be, and the less painfully.
Fatigue seems to be a real Achilles Heel for GBS recoverers. I had a physical therapist explain it to me in a way that made sense. As we feel pain our body subconsciously constantly shifts itself to lessen the pain. It may be negligible, and we are not even aware of doing it, but this constant movement really does take a lot of energy. On top of that, pain itself takes a lot of energy mentally and emotionally. For a non sufferer, they can try to imagine someone constantly poking them with thumbtack all over their body while they are blindfolded. The nonstop barrage will simply wear a person down. This is a basic tenant of torture.
One day of this could be easily recoverable, but day after day of this for the GBS sufferer takes a physical and mental tole. We learn to compensate, and we get stronger, but we will find ourselves, out of the blue seemingly exhausted.
I could be doing Okay, and then I “hit the wall”. I have to rest, and many times must nap.
I hope your pt continues to help and you recover quickly.

Thanks, Bergerhoo! This has been a crazy roller coaster ride. I'm trying to keep a positive attitude and push forward. It's so hard to combat an assailant that you can't see and are unsure about. It hits you from so many directions. At least the punches for me seem to be lighter than before. I just love it when the pain subsides and I can feel normal for awhile (even if it's just for a day or so) then I wear out and have to pull myself out of a hole again. Maybe I can get where I can balance my limitations while I move forward. That's my goal. Just wondering how long you and Purplerosa have been recovering.

I found a brochure for hoe Physical Therapists should best rehab GBS folks like us and it mentioned not to ever work past initial fatigue if possible. U can go to the International GBS-CIDP Foundation website … look around there where u click on each of the listed brochures and video links… one is for PT. Its pretty good I thought… (= Kat

Thanks Kathy, I’ll check it out.

I'm returning to work tomorrow. Promised my doctor that they would go easy on me, but I after dropping off the release letter I am having doubts. I'm concerned about my lack of strength and endurance. My back isn't an issue, not like the weakness in my hands, and I loose coordination in my legs sometimes. Thanks for the link Kathy, the GBS-CIDP site does have some great publications.

Good luck, Lily! Working takes so much out of me but I am slowly able to handle it better - pretty wiped out after though. Take it easy on yourself. The endurance is what really gets me now. You can do it!

Lily said:

I'm returning to work tomorrow. Promised my doctor that they would go easy on me, but I after dropping off the release letter I am having doubts. I'm concerned about my lack of strength and endurance. My back isn't an issue, not like the weakness in my hands, and I loose coordination in my legs sometimes. Thanks for the link Kathy, the GBS-CIDP site does have some great publications.