motor neuron deficits (weakness that originates from deymlination ) can SOMETIMES be mediated by IgG infusions and strength can return, in part, usually not in whole. if you have axonal damage to your tibial nerves and other nerves from CIDP (which may be the cause of your foot drop) then you are probably stuck with FD ... if you had undiagnosed CIDP for many years and you are over fiftyish you're probably stuck with the foot drop.
But - everybody and body is different.
I also wanted a foot drop cure and still do. If you have an EMG that indicates you have some action-potentials (motor nerve signals) reaching the dorsifexion muscles then get physical therapy and CIDP treatment. I've been told by my certified physical therapist that with VERY hard work I may regain a small percentage of use of ankle. After a year of applied and extreme focus on motor nerve regeneration on the dorsiflexion nexus, I have only gained one millimeter of upward movement. Still, one never gives up, do they?
I exercise— if I listed my routine it would probably tire you out just from reading it, LOL— BUT, when I experienced severe relapses or other health disasters, I am then prepared with a body of steel and fortitude to carry me through it. You need to do this to survive CIDP, as it is a PROGRESSIVE motor neuron disease, as it is a PROGRESSIVE motor neuron disease, as it is a PROGRESSIVE motor neuron disease. Get my drift?
I also wear an AFO, going on two years. My AFO is custom built, cost $1300 and pretty much put my misaligned body back together again. HOWEVER, the AFO also weakens other supporting muscles in my ankle, which just happened to be the muscles with the least amount of action-potential activation from axional damage at the motor neuron junction in the spine... I have groovy MRIs showing inflamed nerve roots popping out of my spinal column at L4-L5, S1 and at the clauda equina (which is responsible for my impotence, bladder and bowel dysfunctions, not my foot drop).
BTW- motor neuron are signals sent DOWN from the brain (or from the motor neuron junction in the spine) to muscles for movement/strength. Sensory neurons send signals UP to the brain (or from the motor-neuron junction in the spine)
To tell you the state of your world, then you evaluate this sensory information to function and have fun... Or you then remove your scorched hand, yell as you smell the burned flesh on your hand that you accidentally put on the stove burner, etc. It is a primitive survival system... The nervous system is almost indestructible and of a construction to last a lifetime
Unfortunately, many of us just happened to be kicked by the unlucky leprechaun of fate to contract CIDP or one of its variants
Many people on this site get confused about this: motor neuron signals GO DOWN, sensory neuron signals GO UP. CIDP is a motor neuron disease, perhaps from this you can extrapolate and realize that CIDP begins with the word, CHRONIC, and I've discovered that CHRONIC means: 24/7/ to my infinity. Or, until I get a shot at HSCT... when cows fly!
Of course, CIDP has variants and since we are all variants on the template of human, reversal is possible, but probably not if you're over 50ish.
BTW- after a year or more on this site I've heard of only a handful of total remissions and most of those people were under 30ish.
READ. READ. READ. Most college neuroloogy course ( on line and free) cover all you need to know. What I've learned here?... Not to keep denying that I have a progressive and chronic disease.
I get 240 grams/month of IgG and 100 mg of Azathioprine. Going on 80 infusions over 23 months. Getting better? Guess.