Two weeks ago I was really struggling to put on a pair of shorts in the morning when I woke up . I couldn’t support any weight on my right side and when I tried to shift to the left the knee was wobbling and hyper extending . I ask my GP for a brace and a quick MRI . The results showed a tear and fluid build up. After surgery the DR explained there was two tears one on each side. Extensive cartilage damage and fluid under the knee. Within hours I was able to bear weight with less wobble and reduced pain.
The right knee had a noticeable difference to it. And the Dr had shown me how to detect a tear. So I ask to have an x-ray and MRI . The x-ray showed a portion of bone broken off and in the soft tissue. The MRI showed two mor tears. In less than two hours I will be having surgery on my right knee. The amazing thing is the meds I take for CIDP may be blocking feeling pain that I need to know about or it could be part of the lack of sensory nerves working correctly. In either case the repairs I am hopeful will assist in improving my gait. An will minimize future damage. I wanted to know if anyone else has experienced similiar?