Is this gbs?

Gbs is considered rare, and it believe this may be one of the only places I can get accurate feedback.

I took my dogs on a walk yesterday just around the block. I must note that I am very active and workout 5-6 days a week. When I got home, my anterior tibialis muscles felt like jello, like my legs may give out from under me. It was difficult to flex my foot upwards at the ankle. As a nurse, I began to wrack my brain trying to figure out what could have caused this. All of a sudden gbs popped into my head. I worked myself up with so much anxiety over this possibility that I caused myself gastrointestinal upset. This morning I got up, still with weakness in my legs but now the muscles are actually sore to the touch. I feel tired and like I may have very, very slight weakness in my hands/forearms. These are my only symptoms. I have never experienced anything like this before, and would love some feedback from those who have experienced gbs to see if these symptoms may be similar. I was going to give it until tomorrow and if I didn’t feel better I was calling the doctor. Thank you all for any help you can give!!

My h husband’s was diagnosed with these tests: EMG & spinal tap. He started out with cramping in his calves; then his shoulders and back. It came on within a week and got progressively worse. Thank God it did not get to his diagram.I would definitely go to the doctor. Have you had a respiratory infection or flu shot recently?

My GBS started with the toes going numb on the underside, it progressed upward, very gradually. The only way to really tell if this is GBS, go to a neurologist, get an EMG or nerve conduction study to see if your nerves are being affected. Another way to tell is to get a spinal tap to see if there is protein in your spinal fluid, but that is very intrusive and the other ones may be able to tell the story without the spinal procedure. I also am very active, was a coach and PE teacher all my life. I work out and run daily. It has nothing to do with your routine or your health status. It can attack anyone at anytime, many athletes and military have been struck down with GBS, and it usually comes after a virus has attacked your system, after an illness or innoculation or even a trauma to your body. My neurologist told me that it is an autoimmune condition and your immune system actually attacks your body, it goes right to the spinal column and starts at the myeolin sheath kind of shredding the sheath so you may actually start feeling back and / or neck pain also with this condition. Remember it is a condition not a disease. If caught early there are treatments you can take to stop and reverse the condition, Immunoglobulin or plasmopheresis. Best of luck to you I hope this helped you a little bit and I pray you don't have GBS.

Do not mess around. If you feel tingling in feet and hands, progressing upward, get to a competent Neurologist immediately. My so-called Neuro miss diagnosed and denied GBS for 2 weeks, until I got a 2nd opinion, leaving me with extreme neuropathy, cramping legs and hips for a year now. Luckily, I was able to at least regain the ability to walk and function, but don't know if I'll ever be symptom free. Taking Neurontin like candy.

Toni said:

My GBS started with the toes going numb on the underside, it progressed upward, very gradually. The only way to really tell if this is GBS, go to a neurologist, get an EMG or nerve conduction study to see if your nerves are being affected. Another way to tell is to get a spinal tap to see if there is protein in your spinal fluid, but that is very intrusive and the other ones may be able to tell the story without the spinal procedure. I also am very active, was a coach and PE teacher all my life. I work out and run daily. It has nothing to do with your routine or your health status. It can attack anyone at anytime, many athletes and military have been struck down with GBS, and it usually comes after a virus has attacked your system, after an illness or innoculation or even a trauma to your body. My neurologist told me that it is an autoimmune condition and your immune system actually attacks your body, it goes right to the spinal column and starts at the myeolin sheath kind of shredding the sheath so you may actually start feeling back and / or neck pain also with this condition. Remember it is a condition not a disease. If caught early there are treatments you can take to stop and reverse the condition, Immunoglobulin or plasmopheresis. Best of luck to you I hope this helped you a little bit and I pray you don't have GBS. Don't bother with blood tests, it doesn't show up in the blood panels.

I have not experienced any tingling as of yet, just this weakness/soreness in my lower legs. But it came on so suddenly and was unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before. I’ve had no vaccinations, no viral illnesses to my knowledge. I did get a tattoo on June 20 but I wouldn’t expect that to be enough trauma to be a trigger. My husband & MiL do not believe it is gbs but is something else entirely. I just can’t explain the muscle weakness that came on suddenly.

Go to the Doctor now to be certain!!! Just in case. It would extremely acary to stop swallowing or breathing at home without a doagnosis if it went that route.

Hi Momof2,
As of now, it does not sound like a typical GBS onset.
Tomorrow, things may change.
Symptoms: Tingling in hands and feet; electrical shocks radiating superiorly; extreme lower back pain; legs and arms loosing strength/jello-feel; buckling of the knees; running water on hands feels like knife stabs; extreme fatigue mixed with extreme hyper-nervousness; coughing; confusion…
Lumbar puncture is important for diagnosis, indicating a high protein level.
IVIG treatment infuses antibodies to attact the antibodies attacking the myelin, so quick treatment is ideal.
Good luck, and keep us informed.

Hi Momof2!

I am so sorry to hear you are going through all of this. I can imagine how scared you must be right now. The what if’s are often worse than the is!

I had a rapid onset of ascending GBS back in the early 80’s and I was trached a few days before I lost the use of my arms… if that helps at all. You mention a new tattoo. Is this your first? Are you allergic to jewelry? Have you developed any petechiae? Could you be reacting to the nickel? Metal allergies can be very severe and present neurologically. Just a thought.

Have there been any other new products introduced? Anything. You mentioned being a nurse, have they switched glove manufacturers? Have you been using a new bug spray? Where are you buying your produce? Do you know where it comes from? Start drilling the possibilities down.

Do you know a good neurologist that would squeeze you in for an LP? GBS is not something you want to play with. It is much better to rule it out.

Breathe… the answers will come.

You may also want to have a Lyme titer pulled. Have you been bitten by anything recently (spider, mosquito, tick...)?

Thank you all for taking the time to respond to my post! Synergy- this is my 7th or 8th tattoo, and it took 2 sessions to complete. I have zero other symptoms aside from the weakness/muscle pain. No known allergies at 32. No new products have been introduced in my home. I work as a school nurse, so I am off for the summers. I buy groceries at walmart or Kroger. The funny thing is that I do not recall having any muscle weakness before I took that walk, then had a case of jello legs about 10 min later when we got home. My muscles were not sore yesterday but are today. I haven’t noticed an increase in the weakness, and I am a little yawny/sleepy today and yesterday but attribute that to going to bed late & waking up during the night (always been a light sleeper).

I do not ever remember being sore. I was just numb. There must have been some pain because they kept me very medicated. I was in the ICU for 6 1/2 months and released to a rehab facility after 7.

Are you dehydrated? How is your output? I hate asking these kind of questions... Please go to the ER and get checked for the usual suspects. You are presenting bilaterally.

I have been drinking water per usual. Been a little nauseous today but I think that is due to the worrying I have been doing- was that way last night as well. Output is good, no problems there, clear urine, etc. I haven’t had any problems ascending or descending my stairs and have mostly gone about my day as usua except I did rest longer today. Yesterday when I flexed my foot upwards, I had ankle pain. It is not here today.

I will call my doctor this afternoon and see if I can get it. She is very, very good about sending me to the right place if she believes something may be up.

My daughter got gbs from her gallbladder being infected she was very weak in her legs and could barely walk took her to the emergency room with-in two days she could not walk at all find the cause early can take months off you treatment and hospital stay my daughter 70 days and recovering at my home for 2 weeks now with many weeks to go before she can walk

Synergy463 said:

I do not ever remember being sore. I was just numb. There must have been some pain because they kept me very medicated. I was in the ICU for 6 1/2 months and released to a rehab facility after 7.

Are you dehydrated? How is your output? I hate asking these kind of questions... Please go to the ER and get checked for the usual suspects. You are presenting bilaterally.


They have come a long way with treating GBS in the past 30 years. I pray your daughter s getting better everyday!


Please let us know how your visit goes this afternoon. The ER is always an option. They will run everything they can, quickly.

I experienced numb toes on the bottom, then numb soles on my feet, loss of balance, numb hands, numbness on top of feet, could not bend at ankle up or down without feeling of stiffness - took 2 weeks to get EMG, hospital stay, and finally spinal tap. At that time, they diagnosed GBS. That 2 weeks seemed like an eternity. I felt unable to cope and confused because no one could help.

When I arrived at Hospital I could not move my legs from the knee down. They had to lift my legs and put them on the floor so I could shuffle along with a walker. After 6 weeks of hospital rehab, 5 nights of IVIG, 6 weeks of home rehab, 6 weeks of out patient rehab, followed by another 6 weeks of personal rehab I was able to return to work.

I am OK now - 3 years later - neuro says I how have CIDP and will forever.

I take 300 mg gabapenten 4 times a day to keep nerves coated and prevent extreme discomfort,

At onset I could not walk, drive, or function in a work or home environment. Now I can walk in the house unaided, and with a cane outside the home, drive, and go to work each day, I have been on 4 vacations since my GBS. To Matzalan, Traverse City, and twice to Las Vegas. I use a wheelchair when navigating airports and just go a little slower - BUT - I do live a full and rewarding life after GBS and with continuing CIDP.

I have an appointment tomorrow at 2:10. I lay on the couch for a good hour today just cat napping and it seemed better when I got up. My legs are still sore, but they feel slightly less weak than yesterday- definitely no worse. I find that my hands/forearms feel somewhat weak, but not to the point I cannot function, not do I shake when doing something strenuous. I have had no other symptoms and no tingling. It’s weird, but I notice the sensation of the weakness in my legs more so when I am standing or in movement. When I sit down I can still feel the sensation of weakness. I also feel like a hypochondriac or like it’s my imagination. Being a nurse, I am my worst nightmare. I can stay calm in emergency situations and care for patients who are seriously ill, but when it comes down to me- I automatically assume the worst diagnosis possible

This is is almost exactly how it started for my sister. I pray that you do not have GBS.

I just made a post and my iPhone deleted it, ugh. Update this morning: my legs are less sore, maybe slightly less weak- definitely no jello legs. Forearms/hands feel the same, no worse. I got a good night’s sleep and have been doing housework this morning with no problem. I did have a short bout of feeling weak after I had diarrhea this morning (sorry if TMI), and I almost wonder if I have gotten a stomach bug. Other than that I have been going about my day as usual, cleaning, etc. one of my nurse friends seems concerned I may have rhabdo, but my urine has been fine. I physically feel okay other than the muscle stuff. I am not tired or fatigued- no other symptoms have presented. Hopefully the doc can shed some light on this. Thank you all for the support!

Update. Went to doc yesterday. He checked me out from head to toe and ordered basic labs (yes, I know gbs isn’t discovered through these)and wasn’t overly concerned. The weakness in my arms has not progressed, and neither has the weakness in my legs as far as I can tell. I am still feeling queasy upon awakening and having loose stools. Blood work came back within normal limits and all of my reflexes are intact as well as muscle strength. I cannot explain the weakness and he is attributing it to a virus and overworking during exercise. When he tested grip strength, push/pulls, I am normal, nothing out of place. I cleaned my house yesterday with no problem. I am just unsure now. I know viruses can cause many things but this is a first for me. He said if I am no better Monday then I should return for further testing, go to ER if I have a sudden change. If anyone has any thoughts I would like to hear them. Thanks in advance!

Intestinal virus can bring on GBS my daughter had an infected Gallbladder

Also as I have dealing with this everyone has had different stages one had floppy feet my daughter never had arm and muscle lose but her eye site was doubled taste was gone breathing was fine more with middle torso down to feet were paralyzed Some people have a small amount of pain my daughter still has pain.

Hope everything works out for you

Momof2 said:

Update. Went to doc yesterday. He checked me out from head to toe and ordered basic labs (yes, I know gbs isn't discovered through these)and wasn't overly concerned. The weakness in my arms has not progressed, and neither has the weakness in my legs as far as I can tell. I am still feeling queasy upon awakening and having loose stools. Blood work came back within normal limits and all of my reflexes are intact as well as muscle strength. I cannot explain the weakness and he is attributing it to a virus and overworking during exercise. When he tested grip strength, push/pulls, I am normal, nothing out of place. I cleaned my house yesterday with no problem. I am just unsure now. I know viruses can cause many things but this is a first for me. He said if I am no better Monday then I should return for further testing, go to ER if I have a sudden change. If anyone has any thoughts I would like to hear them. Thanks in advance!