IVIg Lapse Due To Insurance

Have any of you had to go without your monthly IVIg treatments because of insurance denials? My insurance was denying all submissions and appeals so I could not get them. Then last month my husband lost his job. I’m on total disability and now I only have Medicare A and B. My doctor put me in the hospital because I was getting so bad and gave me IVIg. Now I only have Medicare and I don’t think they cover it for CIDP right? I have two questions.

  1. Does Medicare cover IVIg? If so how. How often can I get it? I’m really worried.
  2. Have any of you had to go without your monthly IVIg infusions and how long did you last before it got bad again?

Thanks for the help!

I'm 65. So, I have Medicare and a supplemental insurance (Anthem). I'm new at this. But, the person who gets the pre-approvals said that she didn't have trouble with Medicare, it was my supplemental that was giving her problems. She got me approved by both Medicare and Anthem. I'll see what happens and let you know. I think they have to pay if I'm pre-approved. I'm going in for my second IVIG infusion tomorrow. Good luck!!!

Thank you JanD! That’s encouraging. I guess I need to see who is willing to provide it to me through Medicare. Possibly the infusion place doesn’t take Medicare and that’s why they said Medicare didn’t cover it.

I have my infusions at my neurologist's office with two other people (two more chairs and a nurse in the room). I haven't figured out why he does this. He is probably making a lot of money somehow. They sure know how to handle insurance companies!

Tinapet said:

Thank you JanD! That's encouraging. I guess I need to see who is willing to provide it to me through Medicare. Possibly the infusion place doesn't take Medicare and that's why they said Medicare didn't cover it.

Oh wow Dazedandconfused! That was invaluable information and I can not thank you enough! I would definitely love to have it at home instead of anywhere else! Especially the hospital. I don’t like getting admitted to the hospital for the infusions because of the risks of catching something in there!

Your response is such a blessing! I’m getting online right now to see if that IGG America is in my area! I have straight Medicare right now and no secondary or supplemental insurance so this sounds like the way to go!

Thanks again for the help!
