
Well I start IVIG next Tuesday 3 loading doses then every other week. I am nervous. I am not sure what to expect or how quickly I will respond. I could use some input.


First of all everyone reacts differently to CIDP and IVIG treatment. However there are somethings that seem to be common. First of all about half way through the treatment you might get violently ill, flu like. Headaches also will happen, this can be lessened by loading with lots of water before and during treatment. Do not expect any major changes right away. Your body needs time to repair its self. Personally my CIDP is in remission after only 2 treatments. If you read through the posts on this site you will find plenty of information and what others have gone through. Just remember everyone is different and as long as you do not give up hope anything is possible.

I've been on IVIG since October of last year. I have had to increase dosage and frequency. I am now at 70g every week. I have just started having issues, and that is an increase in blood pressure. I don't feel any different, just my readings going up, so they slowed it down to where my infusions now take almost 8 hours. I do notice that I feel really wiped out if I don't drink A LOT of fluids the day before, of and after the infusion.

Good luck, and feel free to post any questions or concerns you have!