Post IVig observations

Hello all. Finished my 5 day loading dose yesterday, and thought I would share a few observations.

Home Health infusions went really well. I was nervous not having my infusions at the infusion center. but overall it was a very positive experience. Everything was delivered to my house the day before my infusions began. My first infusion was given at my doctors office , and the remaining 4 were given at my house.

My Nurse was very thorough and competent. She monitored my BP every 30 minutes, explained everything that she was doing, and stayed 30 minutes after each infusion to ensure that I did not have any complications. She even had treats for our two dogs. Nice lady.

My heavy intake of water, coupled with the Benadryl and Solu-medrol seemed to work well for me, NO headache! However, the Benadryl sure knocks me out. It takes about 12 hours each day for my head to start clearing the fog.

I am totally fatigued today. A walk to the mailbox, and I'm done. My legs feel worse than they did before the infusions. Really weak and rubbery, plus balance is worse. I hope this is a short term reaction to the IVig, and not indicative of what my results with IVig will be. I would welcome any feedback on how you respond to your first few days post infusions.



I'm so glad the process worked well, and I must say it sounds more pleasant to have the infusions in the comfort of your own home that to have to go to a clinic. Besides, having the company of pooches just makes it all so much better, don't you think?

Hope you're feeling much better soon! Keep us posted, won't you?

Seenie from Moderator Support

I have a question for fellow IVig users. Its been 3 1/2 days since I finished my 5 day loading dose. My symptoms of leg weakness, stamina, and balance, seem worse than before I started the infusions. Should I be alarmed? What would be a reasonable expectation time wise, to start rebounding from this post-infusion funk?



I have similar reaction to my IVIG treatments. After the treatments, my joints feel full and stiff for about a week. I have found that drinking water really helps before and after.

Thanks Stiffback, I will keep up the water intake . I return to work tomorrow, hope I can make it through the day.


Stiffback said:

I have similar reaction to my IVIG treatments. After the treatments, my joints feel full and stiff for about a week. I have found that drinking water really helps before and after.

Charles, I'm so glad the insurance got straightened out. I've had my loading dose and one booster three weeks out. I felt totally wiped out after the loading dose days. I thought it was because we had to drive so far. Then I got hit after the booster. It felt like the flu. The nurse said to keep hydrating just like everyone here told me to do. It went away in about three days and I had energy in about a week.

I also, didn't realize that as long as the medicine is in us, we can have headaches in the middle of the night if we haven't had enough water throughout the day.

Good luck on work. Don't push it. Listen to your body.


Hi Jan I did not realize that about the headaches either .I thought I had made it through the infusions without a headache, but the 2nd night after my last infusion I woke up at 2:45 am with my head pounding , took 2 benadryl and finally got back to sleep .Sounds like I need to keep chugging water.

Made it through two days of work, and off tomorrow, Yay, Crash time.

Glad you made it through the flu symtoms Hope you continue to get stronger.


JanD said:

Charles, I'm so glad the insurance got straightened out. I've had my loading dose and one booster three weeks out. I felt totally wiped out after the loading dose days. I thought it was because we had to drive so far. Then I got hit after the booster. It felt like the flu. The nurse said to keep hydrating just like everyone here told me to do. It went away in about three days and I had energy in about a week.

I also, didn't realize that as long as the medicine is in us, we can have headaches in the middle of the night if we haven't had enough water throughout the day.

Good luck on work. Don't push it. Listen to your body.
