Make a Difference, Take This Survey!

Krishna Talsania has launched a survey titled ‘Experiences of Living with CMT, and I invite you to take part.

This important CMT survey can be completed online by following the link below.

This survey is open to all those who have CMT across the world, so if you have friends or family that can take part please do encourage them to take part.

The survey is anonymous, so people will not be required to give any of their personal details at all.

There is very little research out there on Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease and the experiences of living with it on a daily basis, so why not make a difference, why not change this by taking part.

Great find Melinda. Is there anyway we could look at the results of the survey when she is done? that way we might be able to develop some features that help our members too.

Great idea! I will ask Krishna.