Am visiting dentist tomorrow. Complaints are: pain in left throat and mouth radiating to L ear. Started 4 mos. ago. Had my loading dose of IVIG last week. This complaint has me stumped. Am not on any drugs, nothing for pain or prednisone...Insight anyone?
Has anyone suggested Trigeminal Neuralgia? It sounds a little like it (not sure about the throat pain). Might be something to talk to your neuro and dentist about.
I had CIDP diagnosed in 2009. One of the first symptoms I had was trigeminal neuralgia which was so frustrating as I had thought it was coming from my teeth. The sad news is I still have it even after having a number of teeth lost with failed root canal work done. This damaged my teeth to the point of having many of them removed. I STILL have the pain. Talk to your neurologist about this. You may need some pain medication to help with this. I have been on IVIG since April 2009 every 2 weeks. Good luck.
I personally have not had mouth or throat pain...however, I have been extremely "hoarse" and it is very noticeable when I laugh out loud, or when I cough it sounds as if I've smoked 3 packs a day for 30 years (and I'm only 36 and have never smoked ;) Dentist is a good place to start, but if he is unable to find anything, I would push to see your neurologist asap and to request an MRI....better safe than sorry. Best of luck.
I have had CIDP now for almost 3 years. In the past I have had pain in my teeth. I disucssed with my neurologist and he doesn't think it is due to the CIDP. I beg to differ... the pain isn't due to anything else. I have healthy teeth and the pain was unexplained. I had to take Ibuprofin to sleep when it hits. But it has gone away for now so I don't really know what to say. It comes back once and a while and I just take Ibuprofin. It seems to be tied to when I am due for another IVIG infusion.
This is all very interesting to me. I never heard of CIPD affecting teeth before. I'm 61and I just had my first tooth extraction two weeks ago. I never put the two together.
It isn't exactly tooth pain, it is the trigeminal nerve that is inflamed (the nerve is on both sides of your head, it runs from the back of your head up the sides and splits into three parts, above your eyebrow, your upper gum and along your chin). Be careful of excessive dental work - I have had 5 root canals on the right side of my mouth - none of them did anything for the pain. It was years before a doctor figured out what was wrong. Please check with your neuro before you have a lot of dental work done.
YBridge said:
Has anyone suggested Trigeminal Neuralgia? It sounds a little like it (not sure about the throat pain). Might be something to talk to your neuro and dentist about. YBridge I have had pain in my throat for over 30 years,allso have burning face, numb top lip and nose. I could never put a name to this. I was dx with CIDP in 2007, treated with ivig for 8 days in hospital in Thailand.Two weeks latter still could not walk but all pain was gone including throat and face. Two weeks latter i started to walk again but pain came back. I have had only the one treatment of ivig and my neuro stats i now have mild case of CIDP, At least now i can put a name to the jolting stab up right side of my neck to my brain.
jerrycam said:
YBridge said:Has anyone suggested Trigeminal Neuralgia? It sounds a little like it (not sure about the throat pain). Might be something to talk to your neuro and dentist about. YBridge I have had pain in my throat for over 30 years,allso have burning face, numb top lip and nose. I could never put a name to this. I was dx with CIDP in 2007, treated with ivig for 8 days in hospital in Thailand.Two weeks latter still could not walk but all pain was gone including throat and face. Two weeks latter i started to walk again but pain came back. I have had only the one treatment of ivig and my neuro stats i now have mild case of CIDP, At least now i can put a name to the jolting stab up right side of my neck to my brain.
Hi, I've had CIDP for 3 yrs. This summer I experienced a relapse that mostly affected a different area--facial muscles, swallowing muscles, and vocal cords. I could not move my eyebrows. I had difficulty forming words with my lips, chewing and swallowing, having enough breath to talk and was very short of breath. I had pain in my throat and into my ears. Fortunately I started to get a tiny bit better and did not need a tracheostomy.
I am now much better with high dose prednisone and increased frequency of IVIG. I had and continue to have pain in my chewing muscles including my teeth and my throat. I have teeth senstivity to cold which I know is due to sensory nerve issues from CIDP. Good luck. Michelle
Perhaps its your CIDP
Thank everyone for your insight. The dentist did find a problem and I am off to surgeon for biopsy. The trigeminal nerve involvement is still a concern but will have to wait until cancer is ruled out. Wish me luck and I keep all of you in my thoughts.
Hi Bales
a small Benign tumor could put pressure on Trigeminal nerve. We will be praying for good results
bales said:
Thank everyone for your insight. The dentist did find a problem and I am off to surgeon for biopsy. The trigeminal nerve involvement is still a concern but will have to wait until cancer is ruled out. Wish me luck and I keep all of you in my thoughts.
I have been on IVIG every 8 wks for the last 2 yrs and have not had any issues with throat or mouth pain. Not sure what would cause this issue. Has your neruo given you any insight?