I have started with a new physical therapist. He has me doing single plane exercises . This seems to help. Anybody else have any ideas?
What is "single plane" exercises?
Rotational exercises involve multiple muscle and nerve groups and causes fatigue. By doing an exercise that only exercises one muscle at a time in one direction it minimizes fatigue.
My wife was hit by a drunk driver six years ago and is still doing therapy, but what helps her the most is doing the alphabet with her arms and legs. At first I thought she was a little nuts from the accident of course until I tried it myself and guess what, it works. Gary
What is "doing the alphabet with arms and legs" ?
What is "doing the alphabet with arms and legs" ?
springmang said:
My wife was hit by a drunk driver six years ago and is still doing therapy, but what helps her the most is doing the alphabet with her arms and legs. At first I thought she was a little nuts from the accident of course until I tried it myself and guess what, it works. Gary