Morning, I’m new to this group. I have CMT and have been living with this my entire life. I had surgery as a child and was living a functioning life until I fell down the stairs at work and fractured back and this fall caused my CMT to progress tramadically. I’m getting ready to go into another surgery next week to reconstruct my ankle again. It’s Bn a battle but try to stay positive. I would like to meet others with CMT and how they are getting thru their challenges
I know what you are going through! I’m at a place now where I feel so tired all the time. I sleep for 2 hours in the afternoon and that makes me feel a little better. The thought of falling scares me. I hope you recover and get back to a functioning life!! Good luck!
Hello, Jules
I’ve always found that the best way to handle it is to refuse to let CMT define me. It’s part of who I am, but not all of who I am. Of course we have to accommodate the necessary changes in our lives - resting more, mobility aids etc - but I try to use my brother as an inspiration: Dan has travelled all over the world in the most difficult places, refusing to let his condition hold him back. He hiked through the Cambodian jungle & rode camels through Egypt, simply because he could! I am nothing like that, I hasten to add! But he gives me the hope that I can live a very full & varied life.
I’ve had to make decisions about medication, when it comes to dealing with pain. Sometimes I’ve had to weigh up whether I prefer to have a fully functioning mind (!) or a pain-free body. I would choose my mind every time, so I limit the amount of morphine I take, for example.
As with any challenge in life, the journey is what we make it. I might add that there have been plenty of times in my life when I haven’t wanted to see the positive side of CMT, but it’s not all doom and gloom.
Wishing you the best.
Hey Jules, how did your surgery go?
Wow your brother is an inspiration! Does he have CMT too? How did he manage it while travelling?
Also I would love to hear about his adventures- riding camels through Egypt sounds especially exciting.
You have a great outlook, thank you for sharing
My surgery failed and I just broke my ankle Friday. I’m back in a cast and seeing surgeon tomorrow. He called me this weekend and told me to stay positive. We are going to get this ankle functioning again. I’m trying to stay positive. I was out for the day to watch the races and it was nice. I’m a positive person and always try to hold a smile and get through the pain. I have stopped all opioid pain meds cuz I want my mind and push through the pain. It’s so hard and the pains horrible but, I get through it eventually… just praying this next surgery this week works…