New strange pain in my feet

Guys I have started getting pain in both feet around the same time my CIDP started acting up. It’s hard to put in to words but when I am walking I feel a sudden sharp burning and stinging all most like a wasp sting from around the center of my foot it shoots up to my ankle. If I sit on the floor my legs straight in front of me and pull my toes towards me I can recreate the feeling all most a 100% of the time. If I hold my foot like that the pain does get better after a while.

I just wanted to know if anyone else has had pain like this? If so does it go away is there anything I can do to help it heal?

Hello Jast... While I can't say that I have the stinging in my feet, I do have strange sensations all the time. It varies at times from feeling tightly wrapped, ( generally when I am swollen which lately is happening every night as I am trying to increase my activity... sitting around is boring to me and I don't want to lose what muscles I have and what strength I have.) But the other sensations I get are like I have duct tape wrapped around me feet and legs all the way to hips. There are times, often times... at night when I feel like my feet are tangled up in plastic and I can't break free of it. Wakes me from sound slumber and that's frustrating. I end up getting up and sitting in my chair and doze off to the tv.

I have seen in here where there are others that describe sharp stinging feet and toes, and I'm sure some of them will respond to your questions when they drop in to visit. One thing that I do see every time I come in here... while we all share so many things in our condition, there are many different symptoms for each of us as well. And as individuals, some things work for some of us... and not others. That's what makes this whole adventure a challenge, for me anyway. But I do find comfort just knowing that I'm not in this alone, and coming in here and putting it in print is therapeutic for me, as well as another who knows just exactly what you are experiencing. And that alone can be helpful. My doctor has asked me to keep a journal, or a diary. ( I have been since the onset or diagnosis I got.) And he wants copies of it so he can read up on my day to day activities and how this or that affects me. What works, what doesn't work. Different symptoms. Knowledge is power, and in as much as we hope that the doctors know everything, in reality, we know they do not. This is a well documented condition, but the symptoms and treatments are so varied, and there are many doctors who have never dealt with this before, so the more we can share with each other and our doctors can only help down the road. So keep posting, you will hopefully get the answers you seek, and you may just have the answers that another is searching for as well. Keep us posted. ~ Sis

Hi Jast,

I know if I am active through out the day, by night my feet burn,sting,and feel like something is squeezing the life out of them. Now by saying "if I am active" may mean one thing to me and an entirely different thing to another. I have a very hard time sitting still so I am moving around most of the day. If I am not willing to put up with the pain, I will try to take it a bit easier the next day, it is like a roller coaster ride. Cold compresses and keeping them elevated helps. Do your toes feel constricted, sometimes hard to bend? Peace nancy

nancy said:

Hi Jast,

I know if I am active through out the day, by night my feet burn,sting,and feel like something is squeezing the life out of them. Now by saying "if I am active" may mean one thing to me and an entirely different thing to another. I have a very hard time sitting still so I am moving around most of the day. If I am not willing to put up with the pain, I will try to take it a bit easier the next day, it is like a roller coaster ride. Cold compresses and keeping them elevated helps. Do your toes feel constricted, sometimes hard to bend? Peace nancy

That's pretty much the way my feet feel too. I would like to have my feet feel normal just once, but
I am not complaining. At least I can get around now. Was out mowing my 1.25 acre today when I broke a belt on the lawn tractor so I did the whole back yard with the push mower. The feet are hurting now, but I'm so glad to be able to do it!

We have a riding mower, too,for our lawn.(also over an acre) The belt broke on ours when it ran over a log our dog was chewing on. My husband was done for the day at that point. I had to share that you mowed yours with a push mower, a think you might be a bit crazy, but it might get my husband back working on the yard. I also worked a little too hard the last two days(we actually had sun) but I still try to listen when my body starts sending clues enough already. I asked my nurse what would happen if I wasn't on ivig or other treatments and she said I would probably be paralyzed I am so thankful for what I can do. Stay strong my friend. Peace Nancy

Jeff said:

nancy said:

Hi Jast,

I know if I am active through out the day, by night my feet burn,sting,and feel like something is squeezing the life out of them. Now by saying "if I am active" may mean one thing to me and an entirely different thing to another. I have a very hard time sitting still so I am moving around most of the day. If I am not willing to put up with the pain, I will try to take it a bit easier the next day, it is like a roller coaster ride. Cold compresses and keeping them elevated helps. Do your toes feel constricted, sometimes hard to bend? Peace nancy

That's pretty much the way my feet feel too. I would like to have my feet feel normal just once, but
I am not complaining. At least I can get around now. Was out mowing my 1.25 acre today when I broke a belt on the lawn tractor so I did the whole back yard with the push mower. The feet are hurting now, but I'm so glad to be able to do it!