Tops of hands burning

Hi everyone,

The tops of my hands started to ache and burn lately. I get IVIG every 21 to 28 days. Usually this symptom is very mild and only close to the day I need my infusion. But I just had an infusion a week ago and the pain in my hands did not go away. The pain is greater than it has ever been. I am wondering it this could be associated with cold. It has been very cold lately in MN. I notice if I put a heated gel pack on my hands they feel better instantly. I have been wearing fingerless gloves at work and they seem to help with the pain. It doesn't keep it away completely but helps 85% or so. Once I take the gloves off my hands start to burn again. Help. Does anyone have this happen.

Hi... it happens to me when it's really cold... I asked my neurologist about it and he said I should go see a phlebologist. But I asked other doctors about it and they told me it's because of CIDP since it affects all nerves... not only the ones that affect motricity, but the ones that sense heat and cold. It may also happen because the nerves that are in your blood vessels fail a little. They told me not to worry and to keep my hands sheltered if possible. It eventually goes away.

If I wear gloves my hands will hurt for days. They feel like they were crushed. I have to wear mens work gloves, they aren't so tight. I haven't been able to carry my clipboard for two years at work, if I do my hands go numb. I have to limit the weight.


I have experienced pain in my hands for years since I was diagnosed with CIDP. Especially in the cold. Last Christmas, I was hanging garland outside, my hands turned white (except for the fingertips, which were red). They hurt so much, I could barely move them. I always have pain in my hands. When I saw my Center of Excellence neurologist he said I was holding my hands in the "classic" position for someone with CIDP. My hands were in my lap, with the palms up. It hurt to be touched or to touch anything. Michigan cold makes it worse.

Is it Spring yet?

Hahahaha... in here we're beggining to feel the cold days of autum and they're already bothering me.
I wear socks even during summer...
One time, back in 2011 I was feeling so cold I thought I had fever... when I measured my temperature it turned out that I was close to hipotermia... but I was at home! Next to the stove! Wrapped in a blanket!
Sometimes my hands feel really really cold even though I'm not actually cold.
It's weird but it goes away... or at least I manage...

I have burning on the top of both feet. First symptom was tingling in left ankle, the burning on top, then left foot drop over a period of one year.

Your sensory nerves are effected.

I get the burning on the back of my hands and on the top of my feet. If I use my hands allot or walk much it begins to burn . Even light pressure like putting my hand into my pocket or a glove triggers the burn . No idea why. It’s pretty constant but ?? Who knows

I also sit with my hands in my lap palms up. It hurts to hold them or cross my arms. I also have difficulty with clapping my hands. They hurt too much so now I pretend to clap but it is not worth the pain.

Blue Topaz said:


I have experienced pain in my hands for years since I was diagnosed with CIDP. Especially in the cold. Last Christmas, I was hanging garland outside, my hands turned white (except for the fingertips, which were red). They hurt so much, I could barely move them. I always have pain in my hands. When I saw my Center of Excellence neurologist he said I was holding my hands in the "classic" position for someone with CIDP. My hands were in my lap, with the palms up. It hurt to be touched or to touch anything. Michigan cold makes it worse.

Is it Spring yet?