Twitching, spasm, cramps

Forgive any incorrect terminology. In my 10 years of CIDP, most of my activity has taken place in my legs and feet. One exception is muscle twitches. It works like this. I am sitting at a table, and start to drift out of clear awareness, but not falling asleep. The meds I take for pain undoubtedly play a huge role in this. BAM!!! Just like that, out of the blue, with no warning, one of my arms will flex outward, like a backhanded swat. The right arm is more common (I am right handed), but I believe the left arm has done this, too. The force used to be much less, but has been becoming much more pronounced in the last year. I am afraid I will strike something or someone, but it hasn't happened yet.

In the last couple of months, I have also been having a spasm or twitch in my full body, including the front of my thighs, abs, back, and neck. This throws me back in my chair, but with a little hop off my seat.

There haven't been any residual sensations at all. No soreness or cramps.

What is the term for this: twitch or spasm?

Now, descending a bit, I have always had cramps in my legs, including feet and upper thighs. These began in the first week of my symptoms. Always symmetrical or bi-lateral. Both legs are affected exactly the same. I think that Vitamin D has helped. The severity of the cramps is almost always very strong and painful, so much so that I can barely move in order to stretch. However, I have found a great solution, an icy spray (I use one by Salonpas).

What is the term for this: spasm, cramp, or charley horse?

Finally, when others refer to twitching or spasms, are they sometimes referring to a periodic flexing or pulsing, shaking, or tremor-like sensations? I haven't experienced anything like this. What I experience is a one-shot deal. Common, rare?

Hey Brother: I'm not sure if you are my fellow Vietnam Vet or not. However, I am familiar with cramps and constant pain. I used to keep me awake now I just live with it. I do not take any medication for C.I.D.P. I take enough already for PTSD depression. I train everyday 5 or 6 days a week at the V.A.M.C. gym, 30 minutes of weight training, and running and power walking on the treadmill for 15 minutes.However, I have to hold on while running due to R foot nerve damage.

Are you guys training daily? I am a 64 y/o Disabled Vet but I make time everyday to exercise. It helps with my state of mind and physical well being.. Also I pray constantly to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

I get the sense that some of you guys are feeling sorry for yourselves. There are lots of guys worse off than us. I work with severely disabled Vets everyday recently returning Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom Vets. Some of them double or triple amputees.

Rather than feeling sorry for ourselves let's get together, stay positive and move forward to help others.

Warren Surpenant

Take potassium or eat bananas for the cramp. I have the twitching as well. Sometimes while I’m sleeping my whole body will twitch or jump. My dr said its your body’s way of handling something that wrong. A certain part of your bodies nerves stop reacting so your brain sends a trigger to kind of wake it up. I also get mine when I’m about to fall asleep.

cilthai said:

Hey Brother: I'm not sure if you are my fellow Vietnam Vet or not. However, I am familiar with cramps and constant pain. I used to keep me awake now I just live with it. I do not take any medication for C.I.D.P. I take enough already for PTSD depression. I train everyday 5 or 6 days a week at the V.A.M.C. gym, 30 minutes of weight training, and running and power walking on the treadmill for 15 minutes.However, I have to hold on while running due to R foot nerve damage.

Are you guys training daily? I am a 64 y/o Disabled Vet but I make time everyday to exercise. It helps with my state of mind and physical well being.. Also I pray constantly to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

I get the sense that some of you guys are feeling sorry for yourselves. There are lots of guys worse off than us. I work with severely disabled Vets everyday recently returning Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom Vets. Some of them double or triple amputees.

Rather than feeling sorry for ourselves let's get together, stay positive and move forward to help others.

Warren Surpenant

I also get the muscle twitching, at any time of the day, feels like the muscles contracting hundreds of times a min, can be bad enugh in my legs to make me think that i will fall.

re the limbs throwing out, yes had that for years in the legs, well before i was diagnosed and its now happening in the arms as well. both sets of limbs will do this as i drift off to sleep

Amen on the feeling sorry for themselves.

Was diagnosed in Feb 2015.

I asked my neuo dr if I went to to gym would it help me not to lose anymore muscle weekness.

His reply, Rosie do what you want, it won't change anything.

I continue to walk my dog, the walks are getting shorter, The VA, also a disabled vet, has given me a walker with a seat on it.

If I stand for more than 15 min. I am quite a lot of pain.

But, have a postive mental attitude. Semper Fi from an old woman marine.

I am so glad to know that I am not the only one that this happens too I was diagnosed three years ago and it seems like they are worse now than they ever have been.

rosieg1947 said:

Amen on the feeling sorry for themselves.

Was diagnosed in Feb 2015.

I asked my neuo dr if I went to to gym would it help me not to lose anymore muscle weekness.

His reply, Rosie do what you want, it won’t change anything.

I continue to walk my dog, the walks are getting shorter, The VA, also a disabled vet, has given me a walker with a seat on it.

If I stand for more than 15 min. I am quite a lot of pain.

But, have a postive mental attitude. Semper Fi from an old woman marine.

Just remember when you workout that your body can only produce so much in one day. Once it’s pet for the day it’s done