For the past 10-15 years, I've seemed to own the market on "weird" symptoms. It starts out that some weird symptom occurs, I tell myself I'm crazy after scouring the internet for an article with that symptom in it, and then push it to the back of my mind hoping that it doesn't reoccur. Then, some time later, the symptom will come back and I'll make an appt. to see my doctor and try to the best of my ability to describe in great detail what is happening to my body and she'll say she's never had anyone describe anything similar to her before. So, a couple weeks ago, I got another new weird symptom and am wondering if anyone else here has ever experienced anything like what I have going on. I was sitting at a stoplight on my way home from work which takes me past the high school. A group of kids pulled up next to me with the radio blaring and their windows down and the bass turned way up. With every beat of the bass, my upper back muscles began to spasm and in synch with the bass. At one point, the turned it way down (properly to talk to each other) and then the spasm stopped only to start up again once they turned the music back up. I am really at a loss here for an explanation for this. My husband thought maybe it was coincidental, but it has occurred a couple of more times since then with other loud noises.
Misophonia? Irritation with certain sounds too? It is thought to be rare, and associated with autonomic involvement. Daily allowance of magnesium citrate may help. I like this article because it gives pointers on ways to deal with it.
Mabes~Thanks for the link, but I think you may have misunderstood. While I do have sensitivity to certain sounds, what I experienced was sound induced muscles spasms in my upper back that pulsed with each beat of the bass. I spoke with a doctor that I work with today and he said that it sounded as though my CNS are hypersensitivity. I wanted to say to him, "well, duh..." but was wanting from him perhaps a name for the condition (if there is one). I'm also wondering if anyone on this website has experienced this with their CIDP. I hope all is well with you. :)
Thanks Sunshine, I hope you are well too. I just thought if the sound made you cringe, it would contract the muscles, in turn, cause twitching. I think the beat of the twitch to music is coincidence, but who knows for sure. Your muscles may have special talents.
Sunshine said:
Mabes~Thanks for the link, but I think you may have misunderstood. While I do have sensitivity to certain sounds, what I experienced was sound induced muscles spasms in my upper back that pulsed with each beat of the bass. I spoke with a doctor that I work with today and he said that it sounded as though my CNS are hypersensitivity. I wanted to say to him, "well, duh..." but was wanting from him perhaps a name for the condition (if there is one). I'm also wondering if anyone on this website has experienced this with their CIDP. I hope all is well with you. :)