You may be interested in the type of shoes I wear!

No, they are not the type to make you gasp over their beauty, but they may help keep you on your feet, they have a bar in the sole that help keep your foot from turning to the side. Instead of indenting in the center, they are basically the same thickness, so they give you a better platform!

I wear the 926 and they are available in various widths for women and men!

Anyone else wear these?

I wear the lovely black New Balance. My insurance will pay for one pair of shoes a year. They are sturdy but not purdy that's for sure. My shoe guy has never mentioned this kind. I will have to ask about them when it is time for my new shoes.

Oh, I have the white and black, the black are for dress, of course! Sturdy but not purdy, oh so true! My son calls them my 'combat sneakers'! LOL!

combat sneakers is a perfect name for them

Yes indeed, and there are no skirts or dresses in my wardrobe any more! Sorry, but I personally just CANNOT go there, not with the shoes we wear, and I would get all wrapped up in those long dresses and skirts! I have enough trouble just walking on level ground sometimes!

If there's a hole, I'll find it, if there's a crack, I'll catch the toe of my shoe on it...!

'Grace' is my nickname! ha! More sardonic humor with SK! ha!

Do they help with drop foot? Right now I am wearing braces that are made of carbon fiber they are called Blue Rockers.

Hi Terry,

I'm not sure about that, and they may be unsuitable to use with your Blue Rockers. What my DC calls drop foot on me, usually disappears after he adjusts me, as my hips go out of alignment, pelvic tilts, and causes one leg to be substantially longer than the other, then I stumble over it, until he lines me up again!

I buy these at a small family owned shoe store, where your foot is still measured, and they can match you up pretty well according to the challenges that you have.

Hope this was of help, thanks for responding. Look forward to getting to know you.


ln the process of locating a better shoes that the Dr wants me to wear. l am not happy with the ones l chose. Don't the ink the guy at Hanger is as good of a fitter as they should be. l hope they work with me to find the proper fit and for sure hope my insurance pays for them if they don't,

l was wearing Drew Geneva that were fabulous l thought. But Dr wants me to wear diabetic shoes.

Hi tga,

My husband's Docs want him to wear the same. I was surprised at the good looking sneakers that are now available for diabetics.

Just take your time, don't let them hurry or push you into a shoe that's not right for you! Make them measure your foot too, and tell them if they swell that you'll need them a bit bigger, so you know that they won't be too tight!

I used google to find out the difference between a diabetic shoe and a regular one, here is what I came up with . Hope it helps!

Good shopping,


I don't own a dress or skirts either. I can trip on air I swear. A friend of mine says I am overly cautious. I tried to explain that my brain and my legs/feet are seldom on the same page so I have to constantly plan every step I take and walk with my head down most of the time. It is very tiring to have to walk like that and even more difficult to explain.
SK said:

Yes indeed, and there are no skirts or dresses in my wardrobe any more! Sorry, but I personally just CANNOT go there, not with the shoes we wear, and I would get all wrapped up in those long dresses and skirts! I have enough trouble just walking on level ground sometimes!

If there's a hole, I'll find it, if there's a crack, I'll catch the toe of my shoe on it...!

'Grace' is my nickname! ha! More sardonic humor with SK! ha!

This link explains why the only pair I have with velcro come up too far and hurt my ankles. They are deeper to allow for inserts, that I don't use!