I searched for something on this question but I couldn't find anything so I'll ask. If there is info for me please add a link and I'll take a look.
I'm on an infusion schedule that lasts 4 days (a total of 195 gms) repeated after 21 days. I've completed 4 sessions and must complete 6 sessions before I am evaluated once again by neuro doctor guy.
My question is in regard to dental work. I am noticing a sore molar, I think I've lost a part of a filling. I know it has nothing to do with the IVIg. Can I get dental work done during or in between infusion sessions? I hate this to be a stupid question BUT I've had to take premeds for the last 10 years while they followed my MGUS and ultimate Hodgkin's and now 5 years post chemo I'm doing IVIg for CIDP and I'm just wondering if I can get a tooth worked on just following the same protocol, taking premed antibiotic?
Anyone have experience with this one? I know I can call the Neruo Doctor Guy but I thought I would ask here for anyone with experience.
Thanks and good vibes to all with same.