Does smoking marijuana effect CIDP?

I was looking for anyone that may smoke marijuana… Does it have a positive or negative effect on people that smoke it. I have read a lot of research that it does help some people with some diseases but cannot find anything on its effects with CIDP.

I think it depends on what kind of MJ you're using, if you're buying off the street you're taking a big risk because you really don't know what the heck is in it. Gary

I did some reaserch and it says that marijuana takes away neuropathic pain… I guess that is why i don’t have pain with this disease. It seems a lot of ppl use marijuana instead of pain pills & it works.

THC is the ingredient in marijuana that can make you high and CBD is the ingredient that is best for pain. Potheads want the street bought marijuana for it's higher THC content and they really don't care about chronic pain. Excessive use or extensive use of marijuana with a high level of THC can lead to psychosis, including feelings of paranoia, delusions, and distorted sensory perceptions which may become a permanent condition. There are also a couple of medical marijuana farms in Colorado that are involved in research there. Gary

If you live in a state with legalized medical marijuana, you can purchase particular strains that have a higher level of CBD, the pain reliever. Illinois just passed a med marijuana bill, which designates the conditions for which it can be prescribed. CIDP is among those conditions that were approved.

In legalized states, you can purchase products that include edibles for those that don't want to smoke or use a vaporizer.

Personally, I have found marijuana to provide limited, but helpful pain relief. However, if you're suffering from fatigue, it may add to that glued to the couch feeling. On a side note, it does make being glued to the couch much more fun than normal.

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I live in Ontario Canada and have had legalized marijuana for years now but to buy it here legally costs a darn fortune, unfortunately. LOL Gary

Thanks for your response Jenny… I happen to know someone that gets it from Colorodo … Higher in CBD… & sells me some. I have found it to help. But ur right that it makes it funner to be stuck on the couch… Lol


They say it helps with the pain but all so say it helps with inflammation in my state you can get it but not for CIDP. I have CIDP for 4 years and have had IVIG for years and they send me to a pain DR and put me on pain meds that I hate. I hope someday they will let us buy it here. sorry for the bad typing my hands do not work well like my legs.

Join the club, now I'm a two finger typist at best. I'll be getting my application for mj on Tuesday and will take it to my dr later this month, send me a friend request and I'll keep you posted. Gary

I have been wondering this!!! I have such bad pain- I really will give anything a try-- honestly if it helps I have no problem with it! What do you get as far as strains?

It does help with the pain… I live in Fl & medical marijuana is not legal here yet (it’s in the ballot for this year) I actually quit this November because I signed up for a clinical trial for a stem cell transplant & I am not sure if they will reject me with marijuana in my system. I go for my last tests in Chicago next week… Since I quit I get the pains in my shoulders & pins & needs in my feet. If they say I can continue smoking I will start again.

That’s so awesome to hear- it is also on the ballot in Missouri where I am!!!
I have researched a small amount about usage – so when you were using what strains were you using? Meaning like was it indica strain or sativa strain? And did it have a name?
Haha- I admit I already was on the legalize bandwagon- but now that I could benefit from mj I am really hoping it is legalized!

The type of strains that will benefit you depends on what conditions you're addressing, what potency is right for you, and the reliability of the provider's product. Whether your state authorizes individual providers or dispensaries, either source should be able to provide you with an individual consultation and to make recommendations.

The benefit of legalized marijuana is that you should be able to purchase a reliable product, which contains the appropriate levels of cdb and thc.. Consistency allows you to find the right dose over time. You should rotate the strains you purchase to avoid building a tolerance to any one type.

Providers should be able to describe the different types of effect marijuana may have on you. Some types of marijuana are described as giving a "body high" while others may be described as a "head high." The ideal experience should be similar to consulting a pharmacist concerned about your well-being.

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And Heather! Good luck on your clinical trials. We appreciate those who help further research for all of us.

Thanks Jenny!

Marijuana - In Hawaii, marijuana is one of the drugs specifically cited in legal literature for the acquisition of a medical marijuana license. Indica with specific concentrations of CBCs, ingested in pill form, helped me tremendously. The beneficial effects became apparent after a few days.

Sativa strains with high concentrations of THC may give a psychoactive effect that is beneficial in expanding ones worldview, political conscientious and perhaps a fuller meditative concentration to understand CIDP's chronic condition and disabilities over a lifetime .

I've discovered marijuana, Indica with high CBC - low THC, eases my peripheral neuropathies and somehow changes my perception of pain. How do I know this? Like Gabapentin, which wears off after 6-8 hours, marijuana also wears off in 4-6 hours and the beneficial effects of marijuana become very obvious.

Finding specific marijuana and concentrations is the problem. Well many Indica solutions are necessary to experience the beneficial effects of marijuana. I now live in Washington State where production is taken seriously.

I've had CIDP for over 20 years. However, the best remedy for me is lap-swimming on a consistent basis. I swim two miles every other day (about 75 laps in a 25 meter pool). This also gives me strength to catch myself when/if I fall.

Estaban says that he swims every other day. Am I the only one here who is so crippled by illness that I can barely walk and do only a few min of physical therapy at a time? How many of you are capable of being physically active in a consistent way? I am very scared.

estaban said:

Marijuana - In Hawaii, marijuana is one of the drugs specifically cited in legal literature for the acquisition of a medical marijuana license. Indica with specific concentrations of CBCs, ingested in pill form, helped me tremendously. The beneficial effects became apparent after a few days.

Sativa strains with high concentrations of THC may give a psychoactive effect that is beneficial in expanding ones worldview, political conscientious and perhaps a fuller meditative concentration to understand CIDP's chronic condition and disabilities over a lifetime .

I've discovered marijuana, Indica with high CBC - low THC, eases my peripheral neuropathies and somehow changes my perception of pain. How do I know this? Like Gabapentin, which wears off after 6-8 hours, marijuana also wears off in 4-6 hours and the beneficial effects of marijuana become very obvious.

Finding specific marijuana and concentrations is the problem. Well many Indica solutions are necessary to experience the beneficial effects of marijuana. I now live in Washington State where production is taken seriously.

I've had CIDP for over 20 years. However, the best remedy for me is lap-swimming on a consistent basis. I swim two miles every other day (about 75 laps in a 25 meter pool). This also gives me strength to catch myself when/if I fall.

Bumping the thread for.anyone who is getting benefits from it. Before I started on IVIG, it was the only thing that was providing relief.

A couple of years ago I visited a friend who smokes pot I had to try it,I hate pain meds,it was great!several hours w/o pain.i can’t wait till its legal already discussed with my doctor they said no problem they would do whatever I need to get it
I should add I am on full disability CIDP and Myasthenia gravis as weird as it sounds my breathing wasn’t as labored. I think because my body was so relaxed

Hi Heather,

Consume cannabis by vapourisation or edibly.Never with tobacco.Smoking is so 20th century.We vape our drugs in the 21st.

Recommended for a good night’s sleep,mobility and happiness.

