Epocrates app/program

I posted this in a thread but I am re-posting it here hoping to reach as many of us as possible:

Hello Friends,

Have you seen the free app/program called epocrates. It is an excellent source of prescription med information. After you enter a med, some of the catagories you will see are: Dosing, Black Box Warnings, Contraindications/Warnings, Adverse Reactions, Drug Interactions, Pharmacology, etc. It has an Interaction Checker as well where you can enter all of your prescriptions to see if there may be a problem with the combination of some of them. It remembers your meds too, if you like, so when you change a med you don't have to re-enter all of them. Like I said, the download is free. All you have to do is fill out a brief registration form. The database is frequently updated and there is no advertising. I highly recommend it.


Thanks for the tip, Mark. It sounds very useful for those taking a lot of meds.

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