Eye paralysis from cidp

When I relapse I have very curious eye problems. Visiting two optomolgists was no help. I mentioned CIDP as a possibility for eye problems and they just scratched their heads.

The curious thing about eye problems and CIDP is that CIDP only does one thing well, and that is destroying myelin, but the optic nerve lacks meylin sheathing. But, still, I have to attribute my eye problems to CIDP because when I have remissions can sell fine.

CIDP will present strange symptoms.

But remember there are other parts of the brain that are responsible for vision as well. It is not just the optic nerve. The optic nerve transmits the signals to the brain that interprets the image which happens in the rear of the brain. So some where in this vision process there is meylin involved.

This morning is a perfect example, every is blurry which is making this extremely hard to do, as I can't see what is printing on the screen. And this is the way the rest of my day will be.

Sounds like it could be Myasthenia Gravis....

One of my 1st symptoms was a droopy eye and double vision. When I go for my infusion every 3 weeks I will have double vision, and blurry vision. Within 2 days of my infusion everything goes back to normal. A week before my next infusion my eye begins to droop, followed by double, blurry vision. My 1st neuro thought myasthenia gravis and CIDP, but none of the test she ran confirmed myasthenia gravis. The neuro decided that it was just a an anomaly of CIDP.