Future Flu & Infection Response

How does the body respond to future flu and infections following GBS? I am 4 & 1/2 months into recovery for what appeared to be mild GBS. It wasn't so mild to me and I am thankful to have made it to where I am today in my recovery. I am not getting the flu vaccine this year because it appears that I may have gotten this following a Tetanus vaccine. Do GBS symptoms return if the body is having to fight off a threat? I know everyone is different but just wondered about other experiences with this.

My GBS case was triggered by a tetanus shot also. Personally, I will never get another vaccination of any kind. (When I told my personal physician that, she said she didn't blame me, and said that, in her opinion, any time someone gets a vaccination they're "rolling the dice.") Others on this forum say otherwise, but for me it's not worth the risk. My immune system has already shown me what it can do, and I'd prefer to not let it have another go at taking me down. However, it is also worth noting that GBS can be triggered by any virus, and you are just as likely to get it following a regular bout of the flu as from a vaccination. So be careful and wash your hands a lot. (Just my opinion, YMMV.)

My bout with GBS was triggered by a deep chest infection that was treated with a Z-pak. The anti-biotic killed the infection quickly - my immune system must not have noticed - it kept searching for something to fight - turns out it was my own body.

I will not get a flu-shot.

I had GBS three years ago. Then developed Vestibular neuritis last year with a resurfacing of the virus. I was told by my Neurologist not to get any viral vaccines including flu and shingles. Last year I was exposed to the flu and did develop the flu then pneumonia. My GBS symptoms did reappear but mildly. Lots achiness and fatigue.

On another note, I am also more sensitive to viral stomach upsets and develop this if I am exposed. Since I am in the medical field, it is a roll of the dice every day.


There is no doubt in my mind that my GB was triggered by a flu vaccine based on my reaction on the night of the flu shot and then the GB that followed 6 weeks later.I certainly won't ever get a flu vaccine again, but I did opt to have the shingles vaccine. I did a little research and found a list of vaccines that should still be safe after GB, and the shingles vaccine was one of those.

I was worried about this too. I do not have a personal answer yet, but from all that I read, GBS very rarely recurs. If it recurred with future infections, then more people would report having relapses than what we actually see. I am sure that most of us will eventually get a cold, or maybe even the flu. I would keep positive and remember that this stuff should only happen once. Maybe you will feel weaker and experience a few of the symptoms that you experience when you are overly tired, but it should not be too bad.

I am not sure but I think that the flu vaccine may have triggered my gb. Every doctor I have seen in the last 13 yrs. has told me no vaccines. I would never take a chance

Hi Csil you're right. The chances of catching a recurrence of GBS is just as rare as catching it the first time, at least that is what my neurologist told me. My GBS wasn't from any flu or other type of vaccination. It was from an upper respiratory infection. Still my neurologist advised me NOT to get another flu shot ever again. If there is a recurrence more than likely you have what they call CIPD. The chronic form of GBS.

Tarhealing, I have definitly found that the GBS symptoms have returned when I'm sick, but much much much more mildy.

You know when you used to get aching muscles with the flu? Well mine now are more akin to the burning pain i had with GBS. Does anyone else find this? It is much more tolerable than that pain though, maybe 1/10th of the severity. It's just painful enough to remind me of that awful time...

My neurologist recommended to avoid flu shots though. She told me to keep my immune system as healthy as possible with natural remedies - no alcohol, exercise properly, take vitamin C etc.

But each time as i recover from the cold/flu the pain goes away (Though everytime I'm terrified it won't!).

Hello All GBS Improvers

I contracted gbs following a week of a serious chest cough in which I was prescribed two different antibiotics and steroids. A few months earlier I had a flu vac and a pneumonia vac for the first time. What do I think!! Vacs are not for everyone. I must mention I had polio as an infant therefore my paralysis has been most severe. I don’t have an answer but I feel vaccinations are a NO! NO!/>

Nojabold said:

Tarhealing, I have definitly found that the GBS symptoms have returned when I’m sick, but much much much more mildy.

You know when you used to get aching muscles with the flu? Well mine now are more akin to the burning pain i had with GBS. Does anyone else find this? It is much more tolerable than that pain though, maybe 1/10th of the severity. It’s just painful enough to remind me of that awful time…

My neurologist recommended to avoid flu shots though. She told me to keep my immune system as healthy as possible with natural remedies - no alcohol, exercise properly, take vitamin C etc.

But each time as i recover from the cold/flu the pain goes away (Though everytime I’m terrified it won’t!).

Carmel said:
Hello All GBS Improvers

I contracted gbs following a week of a serious chest cough in which I was prescribed two different antibiotics and steroids. A few months earlier I had a flu vac and a pneumonia vac for the first time. What do I think!! Vacs are not for everyone. I must mention I had polio as an infant therefore my paralysis has been most severe. I don't have an answer but I feel vaccinations are a NO! NO!/>

Nojabold said:

Tarhealing, I have definitly found that the GBS symptoms have returned when I'm sick, but much much much more mildy.

You know when you used to get aching muscles with the flu? Well mine now are more akin to the burning pain i had with GBS. Does anyone else find this? It is much more tolerable than that pain though, maybe 1/10th of the severity. It's just painful enough to remind me of that awful time...

My neurologist recommended to avoid flu shots though. She told me to keep my immune system as healthy as possible with natural remedies - no alcohol, exercise properly, take vitamin C etc.

But each time as i recover from the cold/flu the pain goes away (Though everytime I'm terrified it won't!).

Whenever I get a cold or anything, it is much worse. I used to worry but now see that that is what it is for me now. Wishing you good health and remember to wash ur hands a lot!