Life after GBS

Should I ever get immunized? Before getting GBS I planned to get the shingles vaccine, and I usually get a flu shot every year. Will I be more susceptible to getting this horrible syndrome again than the average person? I'm counting on getting better, but what does that look like? Of course its different for everyone, but how do others feel about their vulnerability post-syndrome?

Definitely DO NOT get the flu shot it can trigger GBS again it is one of the main side effects as for other vaccines each one should be listed I personally am very wary of all vaccines

I am so scared to get the flu vaccine. I had a Tetanus shot before I got this. Someone said that there was another variation of the Tetanus shot that I could get if I ever needed it again.

My GBS was from the flu vaccine. So I was told I would not be able to get the flu vaccine again and to avoid all vaccinations for at least 2 years. With being 60 years old I personally don't plan on getting vaccinations of any kind. I do not want a repeat episode of GBS this first time is bad enough. I am 10 months out from diagnoses and doing OK but am only partially recovered. It is important to keep a positive attitude.

You cannot get the flu shot ever again. you are now allergic to it and it will trigger the GBS again! As far as any other immunizations you should talk to your doctor first.

My son had GBS and the specialists told us he definitely cannot ever have the flu shot again. I did notice last year when I got my own flu shot that the release I had to sign had a warning that people who have had GBS cannot receive the shot . . . but I get one every year and never noticed the warning until after my son got GBS . . guess I should have read the warning before. As far as other shots, the specialist mentioned the shingles shot, but then said Andrew would not be getting anyway because he was only 18. He did not warn us about any shots, but we do worry about them.

Thanks for the relies. I too assumed immunizations would be risky and was shocked when they planned to give me a vaccine for pneumonia while I was in the hospital for my IVIG! I told them not to give it to me. A couple of weeks ago I asked my neurologist about it and he said to wait a little but not to rule them out. My concern was for the shingles vaccine, he didn't think it was necessary (I am 58). He was more concerned about denouncing urban legends and denying the vaccine controversy.

Another thing that people who have had GBS, you cannot give blood ever.

Lily, it's hard for me to take the risk when I had a vaccine then got this less than 2 weeks after it. My neurologist is reluctant to pin this on the vaccine because vaccines help so many people but he won't say it's okay for me to get a vaccine because he doesn't want to say that I will definitely not have another reaction. The risk for me to possibly have this again or have it worse the next time if my body just can't handle a vaccine is too great right now. I guess everyone has to make that call for themselves and you have to weigh the risk vs. the benefit. I am still a vaccine proponent unless you think your body has a problem with them. It's such a scary thing to experience GBS and I feel I have a second chance at life now that I am recovering. I really don't want to repeat anything that I did right before my symptoms began because once the rollercoaster starts I'm stuck with the ride! Good luck with everything!

Lily said:

Thanks for the relies. I too assumed immunizations would be risky and was shocked when they planned to give me a vaccine for pneumonia while I was in the hospital for my IVIG! I told them not to give it to me. A couple of weeks ago I asked my neurologist about it and he said to wait a little but not to rule them out. My concern was for the shingles vaccine, he didn't think it was necessary (I am 58). He was more concerned about denouncing urban legends and denying the vaccine controversy.

No, I didn't get one this year, may not get another one. Was planning on getting the shingles vaccine, may not get that one either. Actually cut out all meds, just taking CoQ10, High B complex, multi, some other supplements too. Was taking Crestor for over 10 years, may need to go vegan if cholesterol is out of wack. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, or so they say.

Not sure that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I feel pretty broken right now but I am stronger in my knowledge of nerve destruction, Yoga balls, and rehabilitation. Definitely not getting the flu shot this year! Scared of the risk and the hospital bills.

I am recovering from a mild case of GBS after recieving the flumist 3 weeks ago. I know I will never get the mist again but since I am active duty militray (and I work in a hospital) I may be required to get the shot in the future. And I agree that the risk to vaccinate for any disease is up to the individual and their medical provider.

Tarhealing said:

Lily, it's hard for me to take the risk when I had a vaccine then got this less than 2 weeks after it. My neurologist is reluctant to pin this on the vaccine because vaccines help so many people but he won't say it's okay for me to get a vaccine because he doesn't want to say that I will definitely not have another reaction. The risk for me to possibly have this again or have it worse the next time if my body just can't handle a vaccine is too great right now. I guess everyone has to make that call for themselves and you have to weigh the risk vs. the benefit. I am still a vaccine proponent unless you think your body has a problem with them. It's such a scary thing to experience GBS and I feel I have a second chance at life now that I am recovering. I really don't want to repeat anything that I did right before my symptoms began because once the rollercoaster starts I'm stuck with the ride! Good luck with everything!

Lily said:

Thanks for the relies. I too assumed immunizations would be risky and was shocked when they planned to give me a vaccine for pneumonia while I was in the hospital for my IVIG! I told them not to give it to me. A couple of weeks ago I asked my neurologist about it and he said to wait a little but not to rule them out. My concern was for the shingles vaccine, he didn't think it was necessary (I am 58). He was more concerned about denouncing urban legends and denying the vaccine controversy.