Hot flashes

I was diagnosed with CIDP last August. I am now pretty much wheelchair bound. Since around September most of the time the upper part of my body has felt very warm and I perspire a lot. My legs and feet are cold much of the time. Lately my upper body has been having more hot flash type symptoms, hotter and perspiring more. I do not know if this is because of CIDP or something else going on. Does anyone else have these symptoms?

I recognize these symptoms; the only thing I can do about it is dressing accordingly.

I, too, get the hot flashes. I had a QSART test that shows peripheral nerve damage and I do not sweat, except on my neck and head. My face gets very red and I think I’m gonna die! Haven’t pund anything that works except “layering” of clothes.

I keep my thermostat set at 62 in the winter. I get night sweats a lot.

Thanks everyone for your replies. I see my neurologist again in March. I see him every 2-4 months. He is very up-to-date- about CIDP. I have IVIG treatments every six weeks and am currently working on getting off of prednisone. I will talk to him about my symptoms. I am also scheduled to see the ARNP I go to later this month and will talk to her about my symptoms.

I also get hot flashes. I wasn't sure whether this was menopause or not but considering I over react to heat with sweat pouring down my face even in air conditioning I have realised it is CIDP. My thermostat has been malfunctioning for many years. The only thing I can do is to keep a hand towel with me to mop up the running sweat. Does make me look and feel terrible with a bright red face! I haven't found anything else that helps unfortunately. It is just another one of the strange symptoms that goes along with CIDP :-)

OMG! Now I know I am not crazy. I have been getting horrible hot flashes for about a year now. I was diagnosed with CIDP in April 2011. I never put the two together. I just thought it was perimenopause! I talked to my gyno about them and she suggested hormone treatment. I declined because afraid to add hormone treatment to my IVIG threatment. Not sure what will happen. So I just live with them. But they are horrible! They wake me up at least 5 times in a night and I have them all day long too. I have tried otc menopause relief pills but nothing helps. At least this confirms that it is not menopause most likely... it is my CIDP. No relief but clarity.

Is there anything I can do to lessen the hot flashes. They are invading my life to the point that I am feeling miserable. I get this sinking feeling in my stomach seconds before a hot flash comes over me so I know it is about to happen. Then I get so darn hot that I sometimes feel like I could pass out. I break out in sweat and I have to sit down because I feel weak when having one. They come on at least twice an hour all day long and all night long. I have not had a good nights sleep in weeks because they wake me up throughout the night. On top of having tingling, numbness and hot flashes I am so exhausted and fatigued! I blew up at my daughter this morning (she is 9) for a stupid reason. I feel bad, I am not the person I use to be. I am cranky and mean lately. I think it is because of stress and lack of sleep. On top of my problems my mother was injured in a hospital error 9 months ago and she is not doing good. She requires round-the-clock care and it is sad and hard to see her so helpless like a child and the stress of taking care of her adds to my depressed feeling. Sorry for venting. I just feel blogged down and unhappy and STRESSED lately.

I have found that putting ice on the back of my neck helps some. It at least brings my temp down some.

chirpybirdy said:

Is there anything I can do to lessen the hot flashes. They are invading my life to the point that I am feeling miserable. I get this sinking feeling in my stomach seconds before a hot flash comes over me so I know it is about to happen. Then I get so darn hot that I sometimes feel like I could pass out. I break out in sweat and I have to sit down because I feel weak when having one. They come on at least twice an hour all day long and all night long. I have not had a good nights sleep in weeks because they wake me up throughout the night. On top of having tingling, numbness and hot flashes I am so exhausted and fatigued! I blew up at my daughter this morning (she is 9) for a stupid reason. I feel bad, I am not the person I use to be. I am cranky and mean lately. I think it is because of stress and lack of sleep. On top of my problems my mother was injured in a hospital error 9 months ago and she is not doing good. She requires round-the-clock care and it is sad and hard to see her so helpless like a child and the stress of taking care of her adds to my depressed feeling. Sorry for venting. I just feel blogged down and unhappy and STRESSED lately.

Glad I am not alone in this...