Reduced sweating? Should I be worried?

I've had CIDP for nearly 7 months. It's slowly progressed over that time and over the past 3 weeks I've noticed that I'm sweating a lot less than I used to.

I'm a sweaty guy. I'm almost always sweating, and when doing physical activity I don't think I've never not gotten mildly sweaty even if it was moderate. My hands were constantly sweaty, ranging from slightly damp to literally dripping. Now, I'm not sweating at all in physical therapy, even when I'm struggling to do exercises that are very hard. My hands only get mildly damp at most. When I feel too warm, I don't seem to sweat much if at all. I'm constantly thirsty and feeling dehydrated.

Has anyone else experienced this?

I’ve had CIDP almost 2 years and sometimes I sweat to the point that I’m totally wet. My neurologist said it’s just part of the disease

definetly get your blood sugar checked. drink tons of water. but i also believe it could be part of cidp. a lot of us (a post recently went around facebook about this) experience changes in temperature regulation. personally, during the day i'll sweat even even when i'm cold. but in the evening i'm super hot sometimes to the point of dizziness and need to lie down....but i don't sweat. Even very hot to the touch.

During my diagnostic process, they did a QSART test to measure my sweating capacity. The tests determined that due to my nerve damage, I only perspire on my face and head. I can’t shiver, either. Also, hair no longer grows on/under my arms or legs due yo the damage. I was diagnosed 3.5 years ago.

I drink so much water. I have to pee all the time. Something like 10+ times a day. I definitely get my 8 cups a day -- there's not much else to do in the hospital haha. I feel really hot sometimes too. I feel really hot right now, and it's only 73F (my ideal room temp). I used to feel cold all the time, but recently I've been feeling overheated more and more often.

Michelle1966 said:

definetly get your blood sugar checked. drink tons of water. but i also believe it could be part of cidp. a lot of us (a post recently went around facebook about this) experience changes in temperature regulation. personally, during the day i'll sweat even even when i'm cold. but in the evening i'm super hot sometimes to the point of dizziness and need to lie down....but i don't sweat. Even very hot to the touch.

I was in my neurologist waiting room air conditioned for over an hour. She noticed I was wringing wet with sweat and my face was very red. She said the CIDP could be tampering with my bodies ability to regulate its own temperature. She urged caution and awareness . Some times I can’t tell if it’s hot or cold. The warmer weather makes me feel better but it does fatigue me quicker. Sometimes I over sweat when I shouldn’t and other time when I think I should be sweating I don’t . It’s hard to anticipate.


I was in for knee surgery this am and while laying in the pre op area the nurse took my vitals and listened to my lungs. She then remarked I would offer you a blanket but you are sweating. She also ask about my CIDP condition she said she had to look it up. I find that it is easier if I help them understand. But considering pre - op is usually cold and my body is reacting as if I am outside in the sun I would consider our condition as extremely dangerous.

hope your surgery went well

Robert Martin said:

I was in for knee surgery this am and while laying in the pre op area the nurse took my vitals and listened to my lungs. She then remarked I would offer you a blanket but you are sweating. She also ask about my CIDP condition she said she had to look it up. I find that it is easier if I help them understand. But considering pre - op is usually cold and my body is reacting as if I am outside in the sun I would consider our condition as extremely dangerous.

Today I got a good sense of how dangerous it is. I was taking a bath, and had the water moderately hot. I felt warm, but I usually take hot baths and showers so I didn't think anything of it. All of a sudden I started having symptoms of heat exhaustion -- dizziness, shortness of breath, headache, etc. I had to lay on the floor for a few minutes when I got out of the tub.

Robert Martin said:

I was in for knee surgery this am and while laying in the pre op area the nurse took my vitals and listened to my lungs. She then remarked I would offer you a blanket but you are sweating. She also ask about my CIDP condition she said she had to look it up. I find that it is easier if I help them understand. But considering pre - op is usually cold and my body is reacting as if I am outside in the sun I would consider our condition as extremely dangerous.