Onj and prednezone

good day and GODS peace to all - after having a sore tooth for awhile i figure its time to go to the dentist - to my surprise (after playing with my tooth for way too long) as i was putting more pain relief medicine on my tooth i felt something sharp- taking my nail across it and feeling it wiggle-i proceed until i get the sharp item out- at least some of it-over the next few days i get two more pieces-then into the dentist-he took one look and said i have ostionecrosis of the jaw-mmore common in women because of some medication they are more apt to use-please look this up online - you can type in onj and get answers-basicly your jaw-lower-has died due to lack of blood flow to it- in my case brought on by long term steroid use- we have enough to deal with so i just wanted to share this with you- your friend gary sorry i forgot to let you know the sharp items were pieces of jaw bone

Oh my, that is horrible! I feel for you. Thankgoodness I was only on pred for a few weeks. I hated the stuff and insisted I be taken off Pred. Well never go back on if I can help it. I hope you can get treatment for this horrible side effect from the pred. Is there anything that can be done for this? Take care.

Hi Gary, I've been on Prednisone for almost 2 years and I hate it. I didn't get anything as serious as you did, I'm sorry for your troubles. The reason the docs are taking me off Prednisone (besides the 50 pounds I put on) is because it was causing Steroid Myopathy, a loss of muscle mass.

I've just started to take CellCept, which is a NON-steroidal, immuno-suppressant, so with any luck, I'll be able to begin rebuilding the muscle tissue, I lost. CellCept has some pretty serious side effects, but if the steroids are killing off you bones, it might be worth a try. It's definitely worth discussing it, with your doctor.

There is another NON-steroidal immuno-suppressant called Immuran. Many people have good luck with it, I didn't. 4 days in the hospital, 2 in ICU, then 5 weeks in a nursing home rehab unit. My family was told that it nearly killed me, but I don't remember much about the 4 days in the hospital.

Good Luck and God Bless, Henry

So, how long is long-term steroid use in your case? I've been on (mostly) a low dose for 2 years now. I'm weaning off and at 2mg for 2 days and 2.5mg 1 day, trying to get off completely. I break out in a rash as I decrease, but am determined to get off it!

Thanks for your information, very important! God bless you too!


ive been on 40mg for @ 2 yrs

Wendy said:

So, how long is long-term steroid use in your case? I've been on (mostly) a low dose for 2 years now. I'm weaning off and at 2mg for 2 days and 2.5mg 1 day, trying to get off completely. I break out in a rash as I decrease, but am determined to get off it!

Thanks for your information, very important! God bless you too!
