When I was first diagnosed , I was put on prednisone , 60mg, now tapered of to 30mg... I had dropped down to 125 labs when this first hit me , from 190 labs . The prednisone has brought me back up to 190 labs. I can't stop eating ! This has not been a good thing ! My blood sugars have elevated, making me diabetic and requires blood monitoring and insulin injections daily to control blood sugars, it has been a rollercoaster ride. The weight I have gained makes physical therapy hard to manage , I am not strong enough to move it around any more.
My skin is very dry and flaky, like paper Mache. My finger nails seem to grow un controlled. I have become emotionally un controlled, from one end of the spectrum to the other.
Does it help with the pain ? I can not answer that, I am taking Neurontin (gabapentin) , Tylenol , Tramadol , and hemp oil , to control the pain and inflammation.
I asked about quitting the prednisone , or cutting back , the neurologist than wanted me to go on a anti rejection drug that is used on implant recipients , said it would be at least a year to maybe see some results. I declined , possible side effect there was a good chance of getting cancer !
I guess there only answer here is to talk to your doctor, but be aware , there is always a good side and a bad side , only you and your Dr. Can decide if it is worth the risk .