Under the weather, literally!

The rains are back again, it started out steaming hot, like you were in a pot of boiling water, then it turned cold and the temp dropped from the high 80's to the low 40's over night, and I slept with both windows open!

Big mistake! Feel like all of that cold dampness just seeped into me! Today is in the low 50's still pouring and COLD! I feel like I've been beaten with a ball bat!

The lake in the back looks like an ocean now!

we have had warm weather here too. We are expecting rain starting tomorrow night thru the weekend. this will make me achey and slower than usual. I have a family function on saturday which I am sure will be held in the garage. Cement and dampness....this should be fun.

I can not figure out how to communicate on here IDK what I am doing wrong.

Hi B's gramma,

Oh boy, you're right, it will be an experience like mine where it just seeps in, and settles in your bones and muscles! UGH! I'm having my mom a birthday dinner Sunday, but have learned to eat in the dining room THEN go out! It' s too much to drag it all out and back in, especially with questionable weather!

Our garage is my husband's wood shop, so no room for anything like that in our garage!

The side deck has a patio table, but the chairs are big and bulky, cannot get everyone around that one! But they can go out and sit or take their plates out if they want!

By request, I'm making my chicken and gravy over rice dish, and I'm cooking it Saturday! Heating it Sunday!

Hi Whippoorwill,

Are you trying to post a discussion? I'll help you if I can. Let me know!

Where do you live SK? It's the same here! One minute I am sitting in the sunshine and the next I've got the heating on again. Very unusual for late May. It's been much the same for a couple of months now.


I live in Maryland, it's about 70 miles west of our nations's capital, Washington, DC.

I know, I had to turn the heat on yesterday to take a bath! BRR!

My problem is great intolerance to heat. I have experienced this since I was a child. I sweat very much and always feel completely drained. This move to Kansas has not been easy due to this problem. I guess extreme of cold isn’t great either,but hot weather is a killer for me. Is anyone else bothered by this problem?

I live in Worthing, West Sussex, England - probably one of the best areas weather-wise. Right on the south coast and protected all round by the South Downs.

I'd love to visit GB sometime, but I think my traveling days are over! I watch a lot of the BBC shows and OOH and AAH the whole way through! Love the British people, such pleasant, fun loving folks! Only 2 things not to like there, the rain and the adders! ha!

Karen, yesterday wore winter clothes with the heat on, today I went to the grocery store and came home SOAKED with sweat in summer clothes! can't win!

I can agree with you. I have the same problem. Haven't figured out the ideal place to live. I'm in Louisiana and the weather can switch three seasons in one day. Also very muggy.

Karen said:

My problem is great intolerance to heat. I have experienced this since I was a child. I sweat very much and always feel completely drained. This move to Kansas has not been easy due to this problem. I guess extreme of cold isn't great either,but hot weather is a killer for me. Is anyone else bothered by this problem?

The most ideal place I have lived was San Mateo CA, but it is outrageously expensive! It ONLY rains in the winter!

It's muggy here too Martha, but surely LA has us beat! We were planning to visit there when the hurricane hit!

My husband loves New Orleans and wanted to take me! Oh well!

It's sorta weird for me. Temperature seldom bothers me... hot or cold. Within reason, of course! I live in Mich, so 20 below does actually bother me... and I have a place in Florida, so if it is really hot there, I can get a little sweaty-smelly.... as one gf termed it. :)

Karen said:

My problem is great intolerance to heat. I have experienced this since I was a child. I sweat very much and always feel completely drained. This move to Kansas has not been easy due to this problem. I guess extreme of cold isn't great either,but hot weather is a killer for me. Is anyone else bothered by this problem?

Gerald, you are fortunate that the weather doesn't affect you much, seems as though I'm always suffering it! My Rheumatologist suggested I move to a dry climate, but unless the grand kids come, I would suffer missing them far more than the weather!

We have had severe thunder storms EVERY single day for at least a week, with several more predicted! Sometimes the 'pressure' on my body releases as soon as it rains, sometimes not, but sometimes I feel like I have a few anvils on my lower back when the pressure drops!

Anyone have any theories about this? Experience the same thing?