Vitamin B12

Hi, I just got off the phone with a vitamin company who suggested my taking B12 along with my other vitamins. She said the components in B12 are very important to the health of nerves. Since being diagnosed with CIDP several years ago, not one doctor, neurologist, etc has ever suggested me taking this vitamin. Has anyone taken B12 and if so, has it helped. This past year my legs have tendencies to move without my OK :) . I have to stand next to a solid partition, hold onto someone, so I don't go backwards. Which is what happens when I don't hold on. Anyone else having these symptoms?

Hi Donna

I am at the stabilising point too...even its only an elbow on a wall...I feel more secure. I think its pretty normal for this disease. I also took B12 and B 6..both beneficial. In fact I have some and you have reminded me...thanks..I did feel better taking those....but left the alternative medicine guy because of cost.



Thanks for replying, I just ordered the B12 and will let you know the outcome.


You are keep in touch....good luck!

B12 is important if your low or even on the low side of normal. It's one of those vitamins that pass through if your body doesn't need it. Physical therapy can help with the other issues. I think therapy is underestimated with this disease. I have had 12 months worth the first 2 years. It helped so much with issues past and present. I still use what I learned when the need arises. It made all the difference with balance and coordination.

You know I think you are more Multi Focal Sensory Neuropathy than CIDP....same as me....

I have a personal trainer for 7 years, and between him and my osteopath I have lasted a long time before the latter stages of serious decline.

B vitamins are very important to nerve regeneration. However once the mylon is stripped from the nerve, the nerve is basicly dead and will not regenerate. If you do take the B vitamins, the supplaments are not very affective, My enndocronoligst had me on an ejection for that reason. It is of a greater use to the body in that form.

One mans mission! "Doctors differ"....(and we get confused, while they make money )..."and patients die" original saying! whatever works for "you"....go for it! I have a bucket of pills I was told to try....half way through each lot...I was offered $50 bucks a pop.....I have the price of a cruise in my kitchen!

Hi Happy, Thanks for the info, I will try the B12 and hopefully someday, someone will find an answer. In the meantime, take that cruise. I can help you with your plans :) I'm a travel agent with Cruises Inc. Just came back from an Alaska cruise. It was wonderful, I hobbled and wobbled all the way through and loved every minute of it.......Take that CRUISE! :)

I have been taking B12 - sublingual - I don't see a difference. I am thinking that since I am also on omeprazole for Barrett's esophagus, I may not be absorbing the B12. I asked my doc about that at the last visit - he did a B12 level and I'm waiting to hear what it is. If B12 shots would help, that would be great!!

I got shingles 3 years ago and still have itching from it. I was told that because of my autoimmune system being compromised due to neuropathy, nothing would help. I take Lyrica to reduce the effects of the shingles which helps somewhat, however its not completely gone. Everything is related, and any/all remedies whether big or small, I will try.